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Trail Cams - Theft Deterrant?

Had one stand on our land from the neighbor. Called him up and asked if it was his, he said it was and promptly removed it.
what gets me is when people ASSUME they have permission to hunt land because their grandpap knew your grandpap and they hunted together, or that they hunted the timber the year before it was sold and ASSUME they could hunt it again....
has anyone been out on there own land and found a stand that wasn't your own? did you take it down or wait to catch the trespasser?

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Yup, moved it to another property of mine and still use it. It is a nice ladder stand. I think in the future I will put a note in a ziplock bag and then fasten it to the tree where their stand was. The note will inform them that to reclaim their stand, they will need to call the county sheriff and they will be cited for trespass at the same time.
That would be a time to put up a video unit just to watch their expression
A guy stuck up a ladder stand on my hunting spot. I cut the whole tree down and spray painted "NO TRESPASSING" in white. I took a hack saw to the stand! I always have a few guys a year try it. I've had 6 stands stolen since we started leasing in 99, So I went to the Summit Viper 2 years ago. Best theft deterrent out there.....
I've also been considering getting one of those two-piece camera units where you put the camera part near the trail (in this case, facing the stand) and it relays the picture to the other part that is placed in a different location (I think it can be up to a mile or so away). That way if they happen to find the camera when they're taking your stand, it will snap a head-on photo of them and relay it to the other piece; then you can turn it in to the sheriff for the trespasser to be identified and prosecuted. You'd also be reimbursed for any unrecoverable merchandise that was stolen before, since I did report the initial theft to the sheriff. Any one ever used one of those types of cameras and have more info on them?
I've had quite a few put up on my land, I promptly destroy them or take them down, leave a note on the stand, and tell them if it happens again I won't be so nice.

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Where can I get some of these?

I have removed stands placed on my property- clearly not just someone mistaken about a property line. Last one I left a note with my cell number stating that we'd get together with the Sheriff and figure out if they made an honest mistake. They haven't called yet.
I'm running almost even compared to ones I've had stolen.
Shoot me a PM Pharmer.

We found a tree stand on our property one time. so we waited. And we caught him red handed draging a deer. Though it was a doe, we sent him on his way with his treestand, and scince he tried to pass it off as a misunderstanding we let him keep the doe.
We've had people (get lost) on our place before also. It's kind of funny when they don't know the landowners name where they are supposed to be.
wow, you guys may have the big deer down there, but at least Ive never had anything stolen. I havnt hunted public land in a few years, but when I did I left my stands and steps and never had a problem. I do know of a couple of people who have had stands stolen off different pieces of public ground, but nothing like Im reading on here.
I guess some people just never developed a conscience, pretty sad.
I've lost 2 out of 8 cams this year.

I,ve also learned to live with the fact that some people are just plain ass-h---s.
thats cause people are more interested in trespassing that actually hunting places they can legally hunt
I went out last night and added a note to mine. "You are trespassing- Leave now or you better make sure you all the trail cameras or you'll be in jail"
"You are trespassing- Leave now or you better make sure you all the trail cameras or you'll be in jail"

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Not a bad idea, if you only have one camera.
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