You want to solve the debt problem, make it a flat rate tax. Everyone pays 18% or whatever, and you never see it back.
Seem fair, absolutely, plausable, absolutely not because Washington created a system where 50% of Americans don't pay taxes.
Why should a guy that went to school for 8 years, busted his ass and was rewarded for it by obtaining a job that pays 6 figures be penalized for being successful. Why should a guy that took every dollar he every earned and put it into his passion and something he believed in and turned it into a million dollar business be punished by having to pay more taxes, knowing darn well he could have lost everything by taking the risk.
The guy that makes 250K a year, good for him, I gurantee that 95% of them bust their butts and are worth every penny. Why does that guy get penalized for being successful.
The medical device companies of America, one of the only business sectors to continue to grow (although at slower rates), why do they deserve an increase in taxes, you want to end success in an area, slap some taxes on it and it will go away quickly.
Simple and easy. Obama can't stand successful people. Like many true to that party they believe that the areas that are most successful should pay more, whether it be individuals, businesses, or countries. This absolutely blows my mind.
Time to wake up fellas, we should all be promoting success. We shouldn't be sitting back and letting people ride others coat tails and collect money thru the welfare system, we shouldn't agree to continue to increase the time alloted for those on unemployment, If you can't find a job in 18 months, it may be time to look into something different or to take a lower paying job until the economy turns around.
We shouldn't be ok with 50 millino americans on food stamps. We shouldn't be ok with 44 consecutive months of unemployment rates > 10% (those that think it is 8% you are fools because this doesn't account for the folks that just said screw it and quit looking for employment altogether). We shouldn't be ok with our money getting pissed down the drain by the government by investing in crappy energy technology. A sure fire way to win at that game is to pick the low hanging fruit, continue to support the coal, while we continue our research in other energy areas. Don't just throw crap at the wall and hope it sticks, get someone in office that will be smart with our money. We shouldn't be ok with federal government telling us how to run schools. We shouldn't be ok with federal government controlling our healthcare.
Lastly, be a man. Blaming the past 4 years on the past is cowardly. If you want to go there we can blame Bush's financial failures on Clintons' Fannie and Freddy policy, which led to the collapse of the two.
Instead of being a coward, work with the people of America on both sides and get shit done. I don't have the answers to fix it and it is obvious that the Change doesn't have the answers either. Time to get someone in office that will be a man, take responsibility for their actions, and get this country back on track.