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What's next for Republicans?

Hardwood11 posted a great pic on this thread last Wednesday that CLEARLY shows the rooftop the snipers were on was much steeper than the one Crooks was on! That response by head of SS saying the roof was too steep and caused safety issues is CRAZY!!! Something is fishy for sure and even if they simply messed up BAD, that response about the pitch of the roof being too steep was DUMB because I am not very smart and can see which rooftop is steeper!!
Better question - what is next for the Democrats? Biden out....
Not surprised at all that he folded after Biden supposedly having covid again.
The top Dems in power that are running the government or that have been running it the last 4 years are evil! They will do anything to stay in power but they must be defeated this November!
Wild times we’re living in..
This is my pessimistic view but I don't think it matters who is on the ticket for the democrats. I have a bad feeling about the outcome of this election. It is way less about policies and way more about this side vs that side and orange man bad.
This is my pessimistic view but I don't think it matters who is on the ticket for the democrats. I have a bad feeling about the outcome of this election. It is way less about policies and way more about this side vs that side and orange man bad.
I would agree. Unfortunately politics stopped being about policy differences a long time ago. Now it is about feelings and persona.
Life got harder for Republicans today. They will tag team a VP to the ticket that will be much stronger than Biden/Harris. This will re-energize the dems. It was best if Biden stayed in. Time to fight fight fight
This isn’t good news for R’s on the change - but it’s not that big of game change IMO. They have someone who isn’t half dead & belongs in a nursing home. That’s the advancement. & I admit- it’s an advancement. There’s enough Americans that will question & reject whats been told for 4 years now…. The MOST POPULAR PREZ, 81m+ votes. Most & best legislative/policy accomplishments since FDR. Saved our country after Covid & saved democracy defeating Trump. Incredibly capable with folks half his age unable to keep up.
He’s the guy that destroyed Kamala Harris in the primaries …. The lady that got, what, 1% & dropped out. The one they gave one task to: the border. The one they have hid because she’s like nails on a chalkboard when she speaks. Personality that puts her negatives higher than any VP (maybe in history??? I dunno but they up there!!) A lot of women don’t even like her. She’s genuinely not a great politician or a likable candidate… again, why her own party gave her 1% of the primary votes. She’s tied to an invasion at the border, inflation, world upside down & every other disaster that plagued Biden…. She’s an unlikable version of Biden that doesnt wear diapers & actually knows where she is. She’s accomplished about zero other than an affirmative action hire or sleeping her way to positions. Some of you all have expressed u don’t like trump’s personality- fine. Listen to this woman…. Awful & most of country doesn’t like her. On top of that- no doubt she’d be a disaster for this country…. Dems could have done way better with a popular Governor with actual accomplishments.
Where does that leave us…. She’s gonna get repackaged & reintroduced- telling us we didn’t see what she was like for the last 4+ years. The lady with 1% of the vote is now great and popular & accomplished. U think she’ll have enthusiasm behind her? For sure manufactured enthusiasm- no doubt!!!!! Genuine grass roots? no way. U see her packing a rally? Have millions crazed to support her? No way. She’s not dead, she’s not white & she doesn’t have a ding dong- that’s all they got. Which is better than Biden- agree. Still say this doesn’t change much. The battle will go on to November & probably just comes down to voter enthusiasm & who can collect the most mail in ballots…. A task they will be executing unlike 2020 & now Trump has Elon giving $45m a month to help on that task…. much rather have Trumps situation now vs the implosion of Dems, media & what they told us for 4 years. Along with the Dems record of ruining the country by most major metrics over 4 years. We better get this right & I believe we will.
Briefly listening to the SS director get grilled on the assassination. below is summary

A: We don't know and are currently investigating it was only 9 days ago

Man this is a bad look. If I'm a sniper from Kazakhstan I'm packing my bags and taking my own try....
How does it take 9 days to figure this out, tell us what the heck happened my goodness. They will talk in circles on this for months until it quietly fades away.
Policies very good, personality sucks for sure. Do you agree with some of the extreme things he wants to do? Are you married or have any daughters? Have you read Project 2025?

Once again for the low level thinkers...Project 2025 is NOT Trump's agenda! knock off the crap. I am married and have a daughter and they are both Hardcore Trump. Please explain the "extreme things".
He's the biggest fear-mongerer ever, threat and lies all the time, we don't need that. Turns the tables all the time blaming others for what he has done, doing or planning to do! Praises Putin liked Hitler's play book. Mark my word, they will do away SS at some point.

Perhaps folks were absent during the obama years, the division and hateful rhetoric started here, no question. It amazes me that D's get by with hatred and it's all just politics but if non-rino R has guts enough to stand up against the socialist ideology it's hateful. Only one thing will destroy SS, open borders, nothing else...They (socialist dems) peddle that garbage to people who can't think for themselves. Ranks with taxing our way out of global warming, same thought process.
I worked in a union for many years! The Teamsters boss endorsing, not the union employees, they aren't happy.
I will vote my conscience, but it won't be Biden. Trump could still end up in jail, hopefully he'll be replaced with someone with "most" of the same policies and not the corruption and rhetoric that has divided us more. America don't need that shit.

I worked in a union shop and the atmosphere was not for me and actually sped up my migration from a liberal to a conservative. Today's unions are not what they were even 30 years ago, it's a sick atmosphere in a few of them. O'Brien took care not to endorse anyone but rather to speak at a party convention to outline their ideals and to point out that Trump is not what the "leakers" (what my mom calls low level thinkers and unproductive people) say he is. I was not a trump person either but I am able to read through the rhetoric and see he is not anything like bush, obama, and biden and that is what makes him a good president.
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Briefly listening to the SS director get grilled on the assassination. below is summary

A: We don't know and are currently investigating it was only 9 days ago

Man this is a bad look. If I'm a sniper from Kazakhstan I'm packing my bags and taking my own try....
How does it take 9 days to figure this out, tell us what the heck happened my goodness. They will talk in circles on this for months until it quietly fades away.
Until it quiet fades away.
just like the cocane in the white house you hear nothing more and never will.
Briefly listening to the SS director get grilled on the assassination. below is summary

A: We don't know and are currently investigating it was only 9 days ago

Man this is a bad look. If I'm a sniper from Kazakhstan I'm packing my bags and taking my own try....
How does it take 9 days to figure this out, tell us what the heck happened my goodness. They will talk in circles on this for months until it quietly fades away.
Terrible answer. While it can certainly be true that not every piece of background info could be known at this time...9 days is plenty of time to be able to answer that question 100 times better than that. She should have been fired on the spot for the sloped roof excuse...she should be fired again for that reply.

If you can't gather enough facts in 9 days following an assassination attempt to provide a cogent answer to the US Congress...you can't be qualified for such a job, period.
Terrible answer. While it can certainly be true that not every piece of background info could be known at this time...9 days is plenty of time to be able to answer that question 100 times better than that. She should have been fired on the spot for the sloped roof excuse...she should be fired again for that reply.

If you can't gather enough facts in 9 days following an assassination attempt to provide a cogent answer to the US Congress...you can't be qualified for such a job, period.
Totally agree!
Project 2025 is NOT Trump's agenda! knock of the crap
Maybe not his agenda but he's a part of it. The Christian Nationalist are behind him and DJT was supposed enforce their agenda in 2016 but covid interfered with and not everything they want happened. Even DJT brags about "he" was the one who ended Rosey versus Wade.

Don't get me wrong but I want republicans back as much as anyone. I couldn't imagine having a daughter who was raped, pregnant by incest or health reasons not to be able to get an abortion. I am also a Christian that has compassion for others, not extreme crap they are pushing.

If all their ideology's get enforced, it will take us back to the 1960's. Women won't be allowed to work, vote and have to stay home barefoot and pregnant. I loved growing up in the 60's but this is 2024, going backwards would not be in our counties best interest.
Maybe not his agenda but he's a part of it. The Christian Nationalist are behind him and DJT was supposed enforce their agenda in 2016 but covid interfered with and not everything they want happened. Even DJT brags about "he" was the one who ended Rosey versus Wade.

Don't get me wrong but I want republicans back as much as anyone. I couldn't imagine having a daughter who was raped, pregnant by incest or health reasons not to be able to get an abortion. I am also a Christian that has compassion for others, not extreme crap they are pushing.

If all their ideology's get enforced, it will take us back to the 1960's. Women won't be allowed to work, vote and have to stay home barefoot and pregnant. I loved growing up in the 60's but this is 2024, going backwards would not be in our counties best interest.
203ntyp, I have much respect for all your input on IW, you are a great poster here. This issue we are a little ways apart but it's all good.
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