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What's next for Republicans?

Kamala Harris probably lost the farmer vote (the few that still vote Democrat ) when she admitted that she would reduce the consumption of red meat “ in light of the impact on climate change”!

She is also an extremist /anti-energy !
I fully anticipate her promising a lot of free stuff over the next month if she gets the nomination. I still think the Obamas will make a run at it.
203, where are you getting women won’t be permitted to work etc. That’s nuts. Trump has never proposed that. Project 2025 is not his and he’s not a part of it. What part of his first term was extreme?? 1.90 gas, closed border, no wars, etc. ???

What’s extreme to you? The Dems are extreme ie open borders, defund police, attacks on Christianity, no drilling, electric cars , gonna take my gas stove, light on crime , Biden family pay for political favors, collusion with the media to hide the incompetence of a sitting president, and the list goes on. That’s extreme.
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So I guess Cheatle just talks off the cuff and stated that the roof was too steep to have SS assets on. Turns out she hasn’t been to the site, and others have caught on that the roof pitch of where Crooks took the shots from was 1:12 compared to 3:12 where the SS snipers were. I’d shoot answers from the hip in a national news interview too if I were the head of SS….. WOW

I get it I guess…. Pretty tough finding good employees these days but I know people that get fired for FAR LESS!! :D
Wasn’t she appointed to her SS position by Biden after working in the private sector. That would pretty much sum it. One incompetent person handing a job to another incompetent person. I’d bet a fair amount the failures on her part were done on purpose and probably had orders from above.
She retired from the SS. Worked for Pepsi I think then was appointed to SS Director because Jill Biden liked her when she was on her detail. Just like any job just because you did it doesn’t mean you were good at the job. We had many at my agency that should not have been there.
Joe might not even know he has dropped out. Was announced on a staff run X account with a digital signature of Joe's and no physical announcement later on in the day from him. His schedule has also been wiped clean.
I saw a theory that he is actually dead. Since they announced he had the evil Covid no one has seen or heard from him....No calls, no press briefings, nothing...silence! Weekend at Bernies!
203, where are you getting women won’t be permitted to work etc. That’s nuts. Trump has never proposed that. Project 2025 is not his and he’s not a part of it. What part of his first term was extreme?? 1.90 gas, closed border, no wars, etc. ???

What’s extreme to you? The Dems are extreme ie open borders, defund police, attacks on Christianity, no drilling, electric cars , gonna take my gas stove, light on crime , Biden family pay for political favors, collusion with the media to hide the incompetence of a sitting president, and the list goes on. That’s extreme.
To a moderate no party affiliation voter like me, the religious right almost as extreme as the extreme left.
Christianity is a basic foundation that shaped our nation whether you like it or not. Canon Law rooted in Christianity was the first legal system established by the church. Of course we have separation of church and state today but much of our laws, rules, regs, morals, ethics are related to it. Some of the premises are good some not.

Everyone is free to worship what or who they want but Christianity helped shape our country. It’s not extreme. It’s fact
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Everyone is free to worship what or who they want but Christianity helped shape our country. It’s not extreme. It’s fact
I agree. I agree it's not too extreme ...yet, but if the Heritage Foundation get their way it will. I am of Christian belief but not what project 2025 wants to do. Now some of them are threating a civil war if they don't get their way, I don't like that kind of talk, sorry.
I agree. I agree it's not too extreme ...yet, but if the Heritage Foundation get their way it will. I am of Christian belief but not what project 2025 wants to do. Now some of them are threating a civil war if they don't get their way, I don't like that kind of talk, sorry.
Are you referring to George Lang's STUPID comments? Agree that was a STUPID thing to say and he has retracted that statement and apologized. However, that's not the kind of thing you can just pretend you never said. Damage done. One more time? STUPID.
I briefly reviewed Project2025. https://www.project2025.org/truth/ I’m curious what you guys find objectionable.



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