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What's next for Republicans?

Before everyone gets too worked up about the election and Harris polls, take a look at the most accurate poll in 2020…

Trump tends to poll 2-4 points under every time. Due to the Trump factor (voters say they won’t vote for him) but actually do. I know several friends (teachers/Athletic Director) that won’t even admit to their wives or co-workers that they vote for Trump .

Here is the poll from yesterday… also note great news in Virginia and Georgia on voter integrity measures. Those two states will be very key. Youngkin passed paper ballots and chain of custody measures . IMG_5697.pngIMG_5698.png
The Dems are controlling the debate again, Kamala refuses to do a debate on Fox and gets her way to have it on ABC. She will know ahead of time how they will run it, and she will have every question before the debate to prepare exact canned answers. The debate will be so slanted toward her and unfair to Trump. I'm not saying Trump will do bad, but he has to overcome the unfair circumstances he will face.
I know this may be taken the wrong way so let me start with....I DO NOT want Harris as president, nor did I want Biden. BUT isn't it sad that Trump's personality and behavior (not policy) have alienated so many people that he lost to Sleepy Joe and might lose to Harris??? Thing whole thing makes me want to puke. Nikki Haley and many other republicans would be running away with the election right now if up against these leftists.
This is the media brainwashing taking hold. They tell u everyday he’s horrible & racist, colluding with Russia, should be impeached. The media coverage from DAY 1 was literally over 90% negative. Dems get protected from the media - the media & democrats are one in same. The ESTABLISHMENT of both sides & the media are really the team they will accept & wont allow anything else.
They will attack Trump on the MINORITY of dumb things he says & never give him praise on the majority of great things done. That’s exactly how propaganda works. They lie about him & attack him relentlessly…. & then try to jail him for life, keep him off ballots, impeach him on shams, bankrupt him in kangaroo NY courts….. then shoot the guy. And he’s still there.
If the media got their way & the brainwashing worked…. U would get the corrupt slick tongued sissies like: bush, McCain, Romney, etc etc. Because the media makes it so uncomfortable to support Trump.. The weak among us want a candidate that will lie to our faces, get steamrolled by establishment & puppet masters & go along to get along. “Everyone getting along” while they get Rich & flush our country down the drain for their power & self interests. …. our country is ruined while they get rich & don’t u dare disrupt their little elitist party that u will never be a member of: outsiders not welcome. They want it all for themselves - big corrupt country club: members only!
All this is: a political war between establishment (media, both party corrupt scum, deep state) VS outsiders fighting to get our country back. PERIOD. Trump is taking them on…. Like him or not - it’s the right fight to have & he’s the only one that could have survived what they will do to an OUTSIDER!!!!! No more slick, slimy, robotic, INCOMPETENT corrupt politicians - we are too close to the country going off a cliff to continue that train wreck of liars & slick hacks we’ve had for 30 years now.
I wish Vance would just shut up.
Seems like he's making this election year to be about himself.

Trump needs to reign him in!

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I know this may be taken the wrong way so let me start with....I DO NOT want Harris as president, nor did I want Biden. BUT isn't it sad that Trump's personality and behavior (not policy) have alienated so many people that he lost to Sleepy Joe and might lose to Harris??? Thing whole thing makes me want to puke. Nikki Haley and many other republicans would be running away with the election right now if up against these leftists.
I agree with that 100%
lol. Trump won walking away 4 years ago and he is now. What part of the left controls 99% of the messaging don’t people understand ie print media, video media, social networks, search engines, education, so called polls etc. It’s an attempted brain washing. I like his personality, business and now political experience. The boobs on the other side can’t find their way home after work. Trump is who we need.

We could take everyone’s experience on this site, we all know lol, and he would bury all of us in the business and political world. And talk about mental fortitude and resilience navigating the legal BS thrown at him by the left?! This guy is the real deal.

Nikki Haley, DeSantis etc would walk away. No they wouldn’t. The polls would read the same. Btw the American people chose during the primary. The majority believe he’s the guy. His name wasn’t picked out of a hat. Harris’ was. Four years ago his policies and administration had better success on every issue.

We have Dems here. Pick one issue where Biden/Harris out performed Trump? One
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lol. Trump won walking away 4 years ago and he is now. What part of the left controls 99% of the messaging don’t people understand ie print media, video media, social networks, search engines, education, so called polls etc. It’s an attempted brain washing. I like his personality, business and now political experience. The boobs on the other side can’t find their way home after work. Trump is who we need.

We could take everyone’s experience on this site, we all know lol, and he would bury all of us in the business and political world. And talk about mental fortitude and resilience navigating the legal BS thrown at him by the left?! This guy is the real deal.

Nikki Haley, DeSantis etc would walk away. No they wouldn’t. The polls would read the same. Btw the American people chose during the primary. The majority believe he’s the guy. His name wasn’t picked out of a hat. Harris’ was. Four years ago his policies and administration had better success on every issue.

We have Dems here. Pick one issue where Biden/Harris out performed Trump? One
Yep, Trump outperformed Biden1724783853195.png
Wherever that BS stat comes from. Ask yourself how was your life and the cost of goods and services 4 years ago. Stop with stupid stats someone manufactured.

I have a PhD and can tell you every study and poll depends on who you’re gathering info from and what variables are, and are not, considered.
Which is under complete control of the developer and their bias, sometimes paid for.

F—k stats. How was the cost of things, what was the price of gas, were there multiple wars, how was the border, etc. Real life stuff. If you want keep living in fantasy land feel free.
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Yep, Trump outperformed BidenView attachment 128046
I appreciate opposing views. I will 100000% admit one of my disappointments was the spending during Trump. But everyone will have disappointments with any admin. I do hear Trump addressing spending almost every long form speech he gives now. Something he hasn’t done before. I do believe he’ll be far better on spending this time around and infinitely better than Harris.

Side tangent …. This election will be a battle like any other. I personally believe this is “man vs machine”. Trump is a real dude who speaks his mind & is “too open” about what he really thinks. He’s followed through on promises better than any politician in my lifetime. He’s fighting a machine that’s a giant corrupt country club… members include: the main stream media, establishment of BOTH SIDES, deep state, military industrial complex, foreign special interests, most of big tech, all of “woke-ville”, the huge # of unelected gov bureaucrats that dig in to live through countless administrations, manufactured candidates, etc. Look- Kamala doesn’t do interviews, doesn’t go off script & won’t release any policies. She’s a shell or a vessel …. A place holding PUPPET the MACHINE can control. Trump is here to end the party & they are panicking …. Why they try to imprison for life, make claims he colluded with Russia (to bog him down for 2 years), try to bankrupt him, sham impeachments, keep him off ballots & try to put a bullet in his head. Still didn’t work. Man vs the machine. & here’s one fun stat below that speaks volumes for what he’s against & the treatment the PUPPET gets….

I like the addition of RFK and Tulsi.

I agree with windlooker. The manufactured stats do not matter.

Its like me saying I shot two 200" this fall, don't worry about the facts, when we measure the horns next spring at the Iowa Classic then I will just revise the number I told everyone. hah
IMG_3682.jpegSo we increased fracking in 2022. Didn’t know that.

Whenever I see articles like this I always think “Russia is a gas station posing as a country.”

Seems like they are the slimiest of slimy bastards to me.

They shouldn’t be on the neighbors property.
Yep, Trump outperformed BidenView attachment 128046
Trump has the record 4 year NASDAQ, 6 trade deals, he had secure border, no inflation, low gas prices…, reasonable food prices. No Russian invasions on his watch, no wars. Fixed the VA, stamped out ISIS, highest consumer confidence number ever, highest small business consumer confidence level ever!

……& he could walk & talk unlike Biden ! He didn’t hide from the public either . I want a President that had good policies and doesn’t hide . Has Harris even had an interview? No, she’s a complete mess, an extremely unpopular VP and wants to hide until November!
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