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What's next for Republicans?

@Hardwood11 I was looking forward to the comments from Minnesotans and people from media markets bordering Minneapolis for that very reason

However when you post images like that, I cannot take your comments seriously.

We republicans do ourselves enormous disservice when we use nonsense like that to try to make a point. Plays into the other sides narrative about people like you and me.

Tell me why he is an ineffective gov. Quit with that other bs. It makes us look batshit crazy.
If Kamala & Walz win, you will take the picture seriously.. guaranteed! It will be very bad for The United States !
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I’m taking the post down, but that’s how I feel. He’s a terrible Governor. Raised taxes, no limits on abortion, let Minneapolis burn-1200 buildings were damaged… He’s helped ruin what was a great state politically.

He put several restaurants out of business, with his Socialist Covid restrictions. Thats the picture that circulated at the time. He ruined peoples lives .

His statement about “nothing but rocks and cows” referring to outstate Minnesota …he upset much of Minnesota. He’s popular with Minneapolis & St. Paul lefties, and teachers. Not popular at all in the non metro counties.
I had heard a rumor that Rambo Bikes relocated to Iowa due to the social and political climate in Minn. Wonder if that's true? It's sad because Minnesota and Minneapolis were/are the gems of the Midwest. Good folks and beautiful scenery.

The way he got elected to congress was typical. Ran as a conservative dem with a high rating from the NRA of all groups and then turned on the NRA and the 2nd amendment in 2018. He's is the absolute scum of the earth.
I had heard a rumor that Rambo Bikes relocated to Iowa due to the social and political climate in Minn. Wonder if that's true? It's sad because Minnesota and Minneapolis were/are the gems of the Midwest. Good folks and beautiful scenery.

The way he got elected to congress was typical. Ran as a conservative dem with a high rating from the NRA of all groups and then turned on the NRA and the 2nd amendment in 2018. He's is the absolute scum of the earth.
I don’t blame them . I personally know several businesses in my area that have their main office or headquarters in South Dakota for tax & political reasons .

To get a perspective on state comparisons, you just have to compare the border areas . Fargo ND, Moorhead, MN for example.

Take a look at the growth of Sioux Falls, SD .

Minnesota had amazing upside, but the politics really set it back . Minnesota is the 4th highest taxed state in the nation. That’s why I’m a resident somewhere else in 5-7 years . Beautiful areas, thousand of beautiful lakes… poor leadership!
I’m taking the post down, but that’s how I feel. He’s a terrible Governor. Raised taxes, no limits on abortion, let Minneapolis burn-1200 buildings were damaged… He’s helped ruin what was a great state politically.

He put several restaurants out of business, with his Socialist Covid restrictions. Thats the picture that circulated at the time. He ruined peoples lives .

His statement about “nothing but rocks and cows” referring to outstate Minnesota …he upset much of Minnesota. He’s popular with Minneapolis & St. Paul lefties, and teachers. Not popular at all in the non metro counties.
I took mine down too.

Man, I appreciate your thoughts on him.

I was hoping his “normal guy” background would be a plus but doesn’t sound like it.
I don’t like to post links, but if you type in Shannon Owen (wife of Pope County Deputy Josh Owen) who was an officer killed on the line of duty. You will see she refused to have Walz attend his funeral . She lives 8 miles from my house (same county)

She attended and spoke at the Trump rally in St. Cloud. Stressing to “back the Blue” and say NO to “Defund the police” which was pushed by Democrats.

The George Floyd debacle was very hard on many Minnesotans including myself. (1200 buildings were destroyed by the liberal riots) …The state will never be the same , don’t Minnesota our USA … some Minnesotans are posting. Vote Trump/Vance 2024 !!

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As a veteran, his Stolen Valor, and as a Senior NCO quitting his unit right before being deployed overseas tells me he is a puke. Also calling his rural citizens "Rocks and Cows" means he could care less about the heartland of this country.
So Harri's VP pick is a turd, but if I were the Trump campaign, I'd concentrate all speaking points on Harris. Specifically how poorly she did in 2020, how quickly she dropped out of the race, and what her poling #'s were when she did. The Dems clearly DID NOT want her then, but now she's been 'selected' as the Dem POTUS candidate for 2024. All because Brandon literally stated that he didn't know 'who' his VP, but that he knew "it would be a black woman", and she fit the bill. Talk about falling up. Way up.
So Harri's VP pick is a turd, but if I were the Trump campaign, I'd concentrate all speaking points on Harris. Specifically how poorly she did in 2020, how quickly she dropped out of the race, and what her poling #'s were when she did. The Dems clearly DID NOT want her then, but now she's been 'selected' as the Dem POTUS candidate for 2024. All because Brandon literally stated that he didn't know 'who' his VP, but that he knew "it would be a black woman", and she fit the bill. Talk about falling up. Way up.
To me, it's truly unbelievable she is actually a candidate to be our president. If it wasn't happening, I would say no way, impossible. Wow how the USA has changed and changed fast. I do think she will get most of the young vote, and almost all of the black vote. It could actually be a close election even if they don't cheat this time around (which we know they will cheat again). Crazy times.
To me, it's truly unbelievable she is actually a candidate to be our president. If it wasn't happening, I would say no way, impossible. Wow how the USA has changed and changed fast. I do think she will get most of the young vote, and almost all of the black vote. It could actually be a close election even if they don't cheat this time around (which we know they will cheat again). Crazy times.
If a person votes, based on race, they are literally a racist. If a person votes based on sex, they are literally a sexist. It's as simple as that. Trump isn't the right Rep candidate to ever say this in his campaign, and it to be received well, but someone needs to campaign on it

Today, Harris is the Dem POTUS candidate ONLY because she is #1 black and #2 a woman. What's that say about the Democratic party as a whole?
Minnesota does not seem very Second Amendment friendly to me from memory. Traveling out west with a side arm, they did not offer reciprocity to Iowa Concealed Carry Permits. You had to have the pistol and ammo locked in separate boxes in the trunk/out of reach of the driver. I don't think anything changed for the better under Walz. I find the camo hat as a hollow plea pandering to the outdoorsmen (or do I say outdoorspeople in this day and age?).
Minnesota does not seem very Second Amendment friendly to me from memory. Traveling out west with a side arm, they did not offer reciprocity to Iowa Concealed Carry Permits. You had to have the pistol and ammo locked in separate boxes in the trunk/out of reach of the driver. I don't think anything changed for the better under Walz. I find the camo hat as a hollow plea pandering to the outdoorsmen (or do I say outdoorspeople in this day and age?).
Absolutely not, luckily Republicans have fought the gun control attempts by Walz and Democrats… Minnesota is in no way better off under Walz!

The outdoorsman literally can’t stand him. He tried to do a Minnesota Governors fishing opener but most of the outstate lakes area guides/lodging/bait shops said “No way”! If you are Republican he basically hates you! Look at his comments about Trump & Vance! He calls them weird ??

Same guy that installed Tampons in boys bathrooms ? You can’t even believe it unless you live here !!
I'll preface this that I agree with the insanity that Harris is even a candidate after her miserable 2020 primary and abysmal job as VP. It's shamefully anti-democratic that she was just crowned the D nominee.

That being said if you look at polling objectively, so far she has won the "VP pick bump" among moderates and independents and fired up the D base. I think Vance was a poor choice. A "yes" man pick, someone who won't upstage Trump. Trump needs to get off his ass, he's been nowhere in the last 5 days other than tweeting about Georgia. Meanwhile polls are catching up to him. He needs to get uncomfortable quick because the situation has changed now that Biden is gone. The Dems are doing a better job at positioning themselves as the "happy warriors" with positive messaging in the last week. It's all smoke and mirrors BS but it works on our mindless electorate.
He tried to do a Minnesota Governors fishing opener but most of the outstate lakes area guides/lodging/bait shops said “No way”!
Since he wants to eliminate gas and oil by 2040, I'd have said hell yes!
"Here's your 24 ft. fishing boat and here's your electric trolling motor. The fishing on the other side of the lake is fantastic! Get going!"
  • Deleted by 2-bucks
  • Reason: didn't mean to hit respond to Obsessed
To me, it's truly unbelievable she is actually a candidate to be our president. If it wasn't happening, I would say no way, impossible. Wow how the USA has changed and changed fast. I do think she will get most of the young vote, and almost all of the black vote. It could actually be a close election even if they don't cheat this time around (which we know they will cheat again). Crazy times.
I know this may be taken the wrong way so let me start with....I DO NOT want Harris as president, nor did I want Biden. BUT isn't it sad that Trump's personality and behavior (not policy) have alienated so many people that he lost to Sleepy Joe and might lose to Harris??? Thing whole thing makes me want to puke. Nikki Haley and many other republicans would be running away with the election right now if up against these leftists.
I know this may be taken the wrong way so let me start with....I DO NOT want Harris as president, nor did I want Biden. BUT isn't it sad that Trump's personality and behavior (not policy) have alienated so many people that he lost to Sleepy Joe and might lose to Harris??? Thing whole thing makes me want to puke. Nikki Haley and many other republicans would be running away with the election right now if up against these leftists.
That's where I've been from beginning. ANY R would be so much better than any D so what R had best chance to win? I REALLY HOPE it doesn't matter and Trump wins. If he doesn't, there needs to be alot of reflection.
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