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What's next for Republicans?

I agree with windlooker. The manufactured stats do not matter.

A former supervisor stated that “numbers are rubber” with the undertone being that you can bend them to fit your goals. It’s easy to bias stats by which you choose to present and which you omit.

Polls are meaningless. I can author a poll to skew the results I want, plus choosing those that get polled.

Believe NOTHING you read regarding “news”. Be skeptical of it all. Sad situation we are living in with the amount of sheeple out there.

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In one of my fisheries biology classes in college our professor told us you collect the data and take it to a statistician. If they don’t tell you what you want, you take it to another and another and another until that changes.

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That's a good description on how some polls work.
The Tulsi and RFK Jr addition is huge. In 2016 Trump ran on draining the swamp and then appointed Pompeo and Bolton to his staff...talk about swamp creatures. That and the spending is the only thing I disliked about his first term. I'm more optimistic if he can keep these two close and not push them away as soon as they disagree with him it will be a different term and could really right this ship. Regardless, this country will continue to rot away if the Harris/Walz ticket wins.
The Tulsi and RFK Jr addition is huge. In 2016 Trump ran on draining the swamp and then appointed Pompeo and Bolton to his staff...talk about swamp creatures. That and the spending is the only thing I disliked about his first term. I'm more optimistic if he can keep these two close and not push them away as soon as they disagree with him it will be a different term and could really right this ship. Regardless, this country will continue to rot away if the Harris/Walz ticket wins.
His biggest mistake was keeping Fauci! Bolton & Christopher Wray would be a close second & third for mistakes
Wherever that BS stat comes from. Ask yourself how was your life and the cost of goods and services 4 years ago. Stop with stupid stats someone manufactured.

I have a PhD and can tell you every study and poll depends on who you’re gathering info from and what variables are, and are not, considered.
Which is under complete control of the developer and their bias, sometimes paid for.

F—k stats. How was the cost of things, what was the price of gas, were there multiple wars, how was the border, etc. Real life stuff. If you want keep living in fantasy land feel free.
Oh yeah and Trump is killing Biden on the number of criminal convictions too. And how about that insurrection he whipped up? You're right he just keeps outperforming Biden by every measure. Oh, since you bring up your degree, from which institution did that come from and what was your area of study?
He didn’t whip up an insurrection. The American people got cheated and they knew it. Trump won in 2020 walking away. I guarantee you.

I’m a retired ATF Agent went back to school and earned a PhD from Gannon University in Erie, PA. The PhD is in Organizational Leadership that required 3 doctoral statistics classes, I get stats. My research was studying the leadership development and philosophy of Navy SEALS.

I’m just now completing a book about the study named Chaos & Pain, Joint Forces The ATF and Navy SEAL Blueprint for Leadership Development.

I did a qualitative study meaning I interviewed multiple SEALS, coded the data which produced conclusions in relation with their leadership development and battlefield philosophy. Really cool actually.

Some researchers do quantitative research where they gather pre existing data or create their own through questionnaires. I like the qualitative approach because you have the opportunity to deep dive with the participants.

In either type of study conclusions can be ignored and data manipulated for a given outcome if the researcher has a bias. Years ago Penn State University took heat for producing a climate change study where they manipulated data to support global warming and the Gore/Clinton solar/wind push.
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Give me the raw data and I will make my conclusions

Truth of the whole situation is very few Americans can say that in 2024 they are more financially stable than in 2019.Consumer index on goods shows $11k more per family being spent on common goods.

100s of Billions of dollars being paid by our taxpayers for illegal immigrants ($68.1B burden on public schools alone) and under this admin we likely are up 4x in the numbers of illegals

Continued money pissed away to Ukraine, bad foreign policy making Iran a nuclear power again, 20yrs of service and American lives lost flushed down the drain in Afghanistan.

To top it off DEI dominates the platform and unfortunately has probably made the people of this country further from united than we have been in a long time.

I need a positive form Biden-Harris, can someone name one, that was done with the support of the people?
I struggle to find a way anyone with any sort of intelligence can vote for Harris unless they are trying to get more of the Democratic Freebee handouts.
Paying off student loans, paying medical bills, giving $25 to first time homebuyers and more - all inflation causing giveaways that unfortunately work in locking up votes just to get their hands on the money us actual taxpayers are providing. We work and they just collect checks.

I get it that people don't like Trump - he hurts their feelings or isn't politically correct enough. But that is not enough reason to vote D because 4 more years of this DEI and giveaways and corrupt Lawfare and there won't be a country left worth living in.
Why are Democrats trying to block election integrity reforms? Opposed to legislation that prevents illegals from voting? Not even trying to hide the obvious?
Oh yeah and Trump is killing Biden on the number of criminal convictions too. And how about that insurrection he whipped up? You're right he just keeps outperforming Biden by every measure. Oh, since you bring up your degree, from which institution did that come from and what was your area of study?
I think it's safe to assume you're not voting for Trump.
So say I'm an undecided voter, can you sell me on your candidate? And I mean really sell me on your candidate by focusing on their policies that will benefit this country. Genuinely, I'd like to hear.
I think it's safe to assume you're not voting for Trump.
So say I'm an undecided voter, can you sell me on your candidate? And I mean really sell me on your candidate by focusing on their policies that will benefit this country. Genuinely, I'd like to hear.
I think you can take almost everything she says now and flip it 180 degrees to get her real policies..Like Trump said, she has gone from a communist to a capitalist in a few weeks time. I think people voting for her now hate Trump so bad they will vote for her, or they think she will keep handing out free stuff buying votes. Let's just hope she doesn't promise to reduce credit card debt because she would win in a landslide then . I'm surprised she hasn't done that yet.
If I’m the lead democrat speechwriter, here is the speech I write for Harris. I started writing policy but it turned into a speech.

Keep in mind I can argue on behalf of pretty much anything.

I will continue to use excess capacity to provide weapons, intelligence and sat imagery to kill invading Russians and help the Ukrainians to force Putin from their homeland and to the bargaining table. (Like Reagan would have done). I will continue to pay American workers to build these complex weapon systems that no one else in the world can build.

Will fill important government positions with capable people who can be confirmed unlike my predecessor who had (hundreds?) of open positions during his entire term. In a time of instability in the world it is important to fill positions so the work required to do the work of the government gets done. Not everyone likes the government. I will see to it that the government does the work of and for the people. I want to help citizens trust their government again.

I’m going to draw on my time as a prosecutor (don’t laugh here) to firm up the criminal justice system and make sure that criminals are brought to justice and that defendants, no matter who they are, are treated fairly. Part of this plan is not only to hire more prosecutors but hire more public defenders so that cases are properly assessed and prosecuted and defended. This will result in true justice for both the accused and the victims of crime.

I’m going to hire and train more Treasury and Secret Service agents. While I don’t agree with my opponent, what happened to him with the assassination attempt must never happen again. Never have we faced more threats from the mentally unstable within our own country but the external threats from Iran proxies and ISIS-K have never loomed larger

The second prong of hiring treasury and IRS agents has to do with investigating money laundering. Many won’t realize that IRS and Secret Service agents are uniquely positioned and able to investigate drug cartel money laundering and the large scale credit card/gift card schemes that plague our retailers. These offenses push prices up for our law abiding citand the money stolen from our citizens finances not only extravagant lifestyles for criminals but terror and criminal enterprise throughout the world. Particular emphasis will be placed on foreign nationals involved in providing fentanyl pre-cursors to Mexican cartels.

I will secure the border. There is nothing unethical about a nation securing their border. Yet I will find a way to properly vet immigrants who want to pursue a dream of coming to America for a better life. These new Americans will make our country stronger and more prosperous for all of us. We have a serious labor shortage here and I will find a way to do this better than any of my predecessors including many fellow Democrats.

Last- I recognize that the administration I have been a part of has failed the people by allowing an influx of immigrants who may not have been allowed to enter our country. I will look to a former president for guidance on this matter. I will follow Barack Obama’s lead. No one deported more convicted felons than our friend Obama. I will follow his lead. While I refuse to paint all immigrants with the wide brush of criminality, if you are not a citizen and you commit crimes in the United States, you will be deported. (Note: please have Kamala cackle like a madwoman at this point)
If I’m the lead democrat speechwriter, here is the speech I write for Harris. I started writing policy but it turned into a speech.

Keep in mind I can argue on behalf of pretty much anything.

I will continue to use excess capacity to provide weapons, intelligence and sat imagery to kill invading Russians and help the Ukrainians to force Putin from their homeland and to the bargaining table. (Like Reagan would have done). I will continue to pay American workers to build these complex weapon systems that no one else in the world can build.

Will fill important government positions with capable people who can be confirmed unlike my predecessor who had (hundreds?) of open positions during his entire term. In a time of instability in the world it is important to fill positions so the work required to do the work of the government gets done. Not everyone likes the government. I will see to it that the government does the work of and for the people. I want to help citizens trust their government again.

I’m going to draw on my time as a prosecutor (don’t laugh here) to firm up the criminal justice system and make sure that criminals are brought to justice and that defendants, no matter who they are, are treated fairly. Part of this plan is not only to hire more prosecutors but hire more public defenders so that cases are properly assessed and prosecuted and defended. This will result in true justice for both the accused and the victims of crime.

I’m going to hire and train more Treasury and Secret Service agents. While I don’t agree with my opponent, what happened to him with the assassination attempt must never happen again. Never have we faced more threats from the mentally unstable within our own country but the external threats from Iran proxies and ISIS-K have never loomed larger

The second prong of hiring treasury and IRS agents has to do with investigating money laundering. Many won’t realize that IRS and Secret Service agents are uniquely positioned and able to investigate drug cartel money laundering and the large scale credit card/gift card schemes that plague our retailers. These offenses push prices up for our law abiding citand the money stolen from our citizens finances not only extravagant lifestyles for criminals but terror and criminal enterprise throughout the world. Particular emphasis will be placed on foreign nationals involved in providing fentanyl pre-cursors to Mexican cartels.

I will secure the border. There is nothing unethical about a nation securing their border. Yet I will find a way to properly vet immigrants who want to pursue a dream of coming to America for a better life. These new Americans will make our country stronger and more prosperous for all of us. We have a serious labor shortage here and I will find a way to do this better than any of my predecessors including many fellow Democrats.

Last- I recognize that the administration I have been a part of has failed the people by allowing an influx of immigrants who may not have been allowed to enter our country. I will look to a former president for guidance on this matter. I will follow Barack Obama’s lead. No one deported more convicted felons than our friend Obama. I will follow his lead. While I refuse to paint all immigrants with the wide brush of criminality, if you are not a citizen and you commit crimes in the United States, you will be deported. (Note: please have Kamala cackle like a madwoman at this point)
All Sounds great and about 90% opposite of what she has practiced her whole career! I judge those based on actions and her actions towards Americans has been treating then 2nd-3rd class! (I am all for keeping criminals locked up but to extend sentences so you can get a cheap labor forces, that is 100% 3rd world behavior)

She had her chances at the border, she was actually tasked with making it better. 10-12 M illegals later here we are. I am not sure if you know anyone in close proximity to the border but it is scary. As long as there is unemployment in the USA for willing to work Americans and hungry American mouths to feed, the border doors remain closed. Hard to work toward a balanced budget when you are pissing 100s of Billions away on something you could end tomorrow!

Blanketing illegal border crossers as criminals is 100% accurate, the day they crossed the border illegally they are criminals. Try this the other way around in any other country in the world and have fun with your adventure
So what do people think about Trump's latest PR stunt at Arlington Cemetary? One of the most disgraceful things yet about our veterans! Someone needs to remind him there are 0ver 18 million vets and yet he continues to put them down and ignore Arlington's rules so he can make a TikTok video after he calls dead soldiers' losers and suckers!
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