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What's next for Republicans?

I lost my mother. She got the vax to travel to Italy to visit my sister. My sister was in the Army with Italy her last station. She stayed. My mother never made it. Within several weeks diagnosed with cancer that was so fast moving it couldn’t be treated. Diagnosed March 1 dead May 1. Also know two others in their 40s who died from fast moving cancer. Our govt lies, denies, and demands proof. Shameful.

Btw death certificate said Covid. Not kidding. No Covid ever mentioned. Such bullshit at the expense of good people’s lives. She worked as an ER nurse for 35 years saving lives and a corrupt greedy government and big pharma took hers.
I'm sorry for your loss. Stories like this one are why I believe there needs to be an accounting for what happened. You don't just let people get away with this kind of thing and not have to answer for it.

By the way, if you haven't seen it yet, you should really watch Dave Smith debate chris como. It's therapeutic to finally see one of the talking heads have his feet put to the fire over all the covid BS.
Just my feeling...The obamites are calling the shots. He and his wife or whatever it is are more powerful now than 2008 - 2016 because they are not elected and she/he/it is the most hate filled person I've ever seen in the public eye. Briben (stealing that from skip) was a complete moron without a moral compass in 1988 and he is no better in 2024. He's never in his life been anything but a morally corrupt parasite and an idiot to boot. The man cannot tell the truth, never has, but he gets a pass from everyone. The obamites are extremely dangerous because their thought process is basically that the end justifies the means. Obama himself admitted to that statement in speeches when he was president. Unfortunately, I don't see another republican winning the presidency simply because the obamites have the court system to prosecute their enemies, the press to persecute their rivals, and the voting in the 10-12 counties they need is handled by their friends at dominion. The good news, we have a house and senate to check the powers. The bad news, the executive branch controls the judicial branch nominations. IMO, there is nothing we can do because we all have property to lose, families to care for, and retirement to worry about yet illegals who contributed very little to their country come here for the freebies so they don't care, they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. In Trump's words, we are not and will not be getting the best that other countries have to offer.

There was a recent study done and the estimated "comfortable" carrying capacity of the earth is around 4 billion people. We currently have over 7.9 billion people with the stats showing us going over 9 billion sometime between 2030 - 2040. Now to put that in perspective, DSM and the burbs have about 700k people. Just imagine 10-15 years from now the world has to accommodate 1,428+ population areas equal to that and then build the roads, cars, energy, communications, and especially healthcare...The communist countries wont allow them in so guess what...We are a target for these new population centers. And guess who owns most of our protein supply chain, South America and Asia, pathetic!

This will likely be a very unpopular opinion but at the very least the decline sped up under W with his illegal wars and close relationship with the obomites upon leaving office. I honestly believe the true decline started on his watch. That administration did us very few favors. Deep down we all know Trump should not have ran let alone received the nomination this year but we all have to do the best we can now. Can he do it, dang right he can but will he get the chance? Perhaps we will have a constitutional crisis by electing an obviously unfit president or the unlikely scenario that the one who wins will be serving time. Unlikely, but we can't rule anything out.
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Gonna be a nail-biter in iowa!!! Trump is only ahead by 18 points right now!!!
I remember when iowa was actually a swing state!!! It’s so ruby red now, incredible. I’d like to say it’s because iowa genuinely has more folks with common sense. A large farm population & a smaller population of academia & welfare recipients vs other states.
It sounds like JD Vance (Ohio) might be a serious VP contender. He is very sharp and a military vet, and has extensive business background.

Just read that Democrats are concerned he would swing more votes Red in the key states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.
Gonna be a nail-biter in iowa!!! Trump is only ahead by 18 points right now!!!
I remember when iowa was actually a swing state!!! It’s so ruby red now, incredible. I’d like to say it’s because iowa genuinely has more folks with common sense. A large farm population & a smaller population of academia & welfare recipients vs other states.

This poll is considered one of the most trustworthy and if it’s accurate, Minnesota is definitely in play for Trump !
Yes, he had a disease that affected his voice box.
Could be like wizard Oz
RFK doesn’t have a good voice. Briben doesn’t have a brain. The left would tell u trump doesn’t have a heart but I personally don’t believe that for one second. 2 of the 3 want to fix some fundemental flaws our country MUST fix. One is a corrupt swamp creature that needs to end like the wicked witch. Either a house of of the sky or a loss at the election box & move right into a nursing home
Something may be coming down in the next few days. They are putting fence around the Supreme Court. Last time they did that, was two years ago during Roe vs Wade. And we know which group likes to peacefully protest.
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