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What's next for Republicans?

Great debate by Trump! Now that the Dems know he will destroy Biden in a legally run election will they throw Trump in jail? Or worse....Will throwing him jail have any effect on voters? I don't think it will at this point.
As Vivek Ramaswamy said......"What we witnessed tonight wasn't an accident, it was intentional."

This was planned.......all the liberal media responded identically after the debate......all saying he should step aside. No way that happens unless a memo was sent out. I am sure they already know who is going to replace him.
As Vivek Ramaswamy said......"What we witnessed tonight wasn't an accident, it was intentional."

This was planned.......all the liberal media responded identically after the debate......all saying he should step aside. No way that happens unless a memo was sent out. I am sure they already know who is going to replace him.

100 % Agree. This was my thought a month ago when they said they would debate Trump. Just by the brief appearances Biden has given the last couple years there was no doubt in any ones mind that last night was going to turn out any different than it did. (earliest debate ever prior to election.... quincidence????? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:)

To my surprise Biden actually held it together better than I expected..... I am a Die Hard Conservative and 1mil% Trump Supporter, however I would never disrespect my elders like they are currently doing to Joe Biden right now. It is the most discuting political move I have ever seen!!!!!

Funny it seems our political struggles currently and our outdoor regulation struggles right now seem to be parrell. We as a people have a lot of work to do!!!!

Less talk more action!!!!
There’s never been and may never be a candidate like Trump. Some do not like him, but he’s motivated more people to vote that I can ever remember.

I’ve never seen the contrast, small town guy living in a trailer house to rich guy living in a mansion be so passionate to vote for a guy.

It’s the America First, protect our border, peace through strength , tax cuts, small business growth, tariffs on China …If I were to type up a list of what I’d want a candidate to support, he’s got it all covered.

Plus he had the NASDAQ record of 8600 point gain in 4 years . So that helps too !
@GrantCardone on X
  • Flat or Zero tax
  • Stop Funding Wars
  • Debts are Not Forgiven
  • Stop Illegal Immigration
  • Two Gender Only Society
  • Schools Stick to Education
  • Enforce the Laws of the Land
  • Reverse Big Pharma Immunity
  • Colleges Responsible for Debt
  • Incentive Intelligent Immigration
  • Congress Prohibited from Trading
Grant is a smart guy and I think could be a good candidate if he ever ran
I think it was a terrible debate from both.

However, anyone that votes for Biden needs a mental checkup.
Yep. Agreed.

They got in to an argument about their golf handicaps and who can drive it further for Gods sake……total shit show. I’ll get myself to vote for trump maybe (may just write in Vivek or Ron D) but out of 330million people or whatever in this country those are the best 2 leaders we can put up there? Beyond embarrassing. This country is totally void of leadership in the political arena. Sad.
Yep. Agreed.

They got in to an argument about their golf handicaps and who can drive it further for Gods sake……total shit show. I’ll get myself to vote for trump maybe (may just write in Vivek or Ron D) but out of 330million people or whatever in this country those are the best 2 leaders we can put up there? Beyond embarrassing. This country is totally void of leadership in the political arena. Sad.
I thought debate was great. The only silly moment was that. The rest was all substance. People , IMO - get caught up in the minor things like “WORDS” vs the actions & policies of our nation & the world. RESULTS!!!! I want RESULTS!!! & care more about avoiding WW3 than how a debate went.
It took all day to piecemeal the debate together, but I got it all watched and listened to yesterday. I wouldn't piss on Brandon if he were on fire. But, honestly, I can't stomach to listen to either one ramble on uninteligibly like they do. The whole thing seemed like one long SNL skit to me.

I'll vote in favor of conservative policy making, but will tune out the next 4 years of moronic rhetoric.
One strange quote by Biden as he tried to downplay rape & murder by illegals saying “women are being raped by their In laws, brothers & sisters”. Huh ??

I’d call that one of the most disastrous quotes of any line in a debate in Presidential history. I don’t know their plan, but you know the Democrats are working behind the scenes on a alternative!
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