People are wanting Trump. I’m saying this is a statement of “observation” & not opinion statement. See the fair? That’s one of 1,000 examples.
Hope folks get behind who ever runs. Biden is a corrupt political puppet that MUST lose election in 2024!!!!!
I get it. I think we all get it “trump is trump”. But on other side of that coin- that’s why people like him. For first time in my life: a politician that actually says what they really think!!!! The rest are bought & paid for stooges that read speeches & teleprompters & really are just robots. U don’t know what they really think. & usually, groups & donors are doing the thinking & action for them!!!….It wouldn’t hurt for Trump to quit being Trump for one second and also commit to get behind whoever wins. Lead by example you might say. Either way, I hope Kamala loses…
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I get it. I think we all get it “trump is trump”. But on other side of that coin- that’s why people like him. For first time in my life: a politician that actually says what they really think!!!! The rest are bought & paid for stooges that read speeches & teleprompters & really are just robots. U don’t know what they really think. & usually, groups & donors are doing the thinking & action for them!!!….
Both Bush’s. Romney. McCain. Hillary. Obama. BIDENon & on! BOTH SIDES OF ISLE!!! There’s things to not like about trump (he is human and flawed) but there’s infinitely more things to not like about a person which u have no clue what they really believe & who is making the decisions & why. This is why folks have gotten MORE infuriated with politicians in last 20 years. They are all puppets
Look at Saul/Paul out of the Bible…. People with “bad pasts” doing great things. I can’t judge someone’s soul. But look at what Trump did that no one else could. Countless examples of this…. Roe vs wade being overturned for ONE example. Data already shows it’s reduced amount of babies killed. The folks people said “he’s a great person. Need to vote for him” didn’t do all these things we saw in 2016-2020. They were all talk. Maybe they really weren’t “great people” or maybe they were controlled by others.Were it Trump had the humility, couth, and political diplomacy of the Great Orator, Ronald Reagan! Ronnie was once found on his knees in the Oval Office praying prior to making a decision. Sadly, none of that is Trump. Does this country, as a whole, even deserve a good president? I just pray, "Let Your will be done". Romans 1:18-32 applies today even more than it did back then, with special emphasis on verses 28-32. THAT explains the mess we are in.
DeSantis handles media confrontation more effectively than Trump, and without insulting them. He is more likeable. The main reason he has slumped in the polls is because so many Republicans have surrounded their wagons around Trump. What the demonrats are doing to him is outrageous and the sympathy vote is ruling king. Should either one become president, I do not believe anyone could tell the difference in how they would legislate, and I will vote for whichever gets the nomination.
However, will this next election be any more fair than the last? Anyone believing that was anything less than "rigged" only watched lame stream media news, and should watch the documentary "2000 Mules", should recall how Republicans were shut out of observing the count at many swing state polls, how Trump was ahead when the count was supposedly stopped, only to be counted again AFTER Republican observers went, it goes on and on.
Have read many rebuttals to much of the stuff presented in 2000 mules. Impossible to know with any certainty as to whether it was rigged or not. I for one wanted to believe that initially but once the Repubs couldn’t get anything to stick despite having the Supreme Court, the presidency, and one of the houses of Congress I just couldn’t continue to go along w that “conspiracy”. I mean think about it….repubs had the vast majority of “power”, if they could have proven any of it they would have secured the White House and congress for the next 30 years. Would have been check mate. So you know they would have if they could have and yet nothing? Other than a movie? Nah, sorry. Don’t buy it. Would be more believable if it had happened with Dems having majority of power but that wasn’t the case at all.Were it Trump had the humility, couth, and political diplomacy of the Great Orator, Ronald Reagan! Ronnie was once found on his knees in the Oval Office praying prior to making a decision. Sadly, none of that is Trump. Does this country, as a whole, even deserve a good president? I just pray, "Let Your will be done". Romans 1:18-32 applies today even more than it did back then, with special emphasis on verses 28-32. THAT explains the mess we are in.
DeSantis handles media confrontation more effectively than Trump, and without insulting them. He is more likeable. The main reason he has slumped in the polls is because so many Republicans have surrounded their wagons around Trump. What the demonrats are doing to him is outrageous and the sympathy vote is ruling king. Should either one become president, I do not believe anyone could tell the difference in how they would legislate, and I will vote for whichever gets the nomination.
However, will this next election be any more fair than the last? Anyone believing that was anything less than "rigged" only watched lame stream media news, and should watch the documentary "2000 Mules", should recall how Republicans were shut out of observing the count at many swing state polls, how Trump was ahead when the count was supposedly stopped, only to be counted again AFTER Republican observers went, it goes on and on.
Can’t imagine they hated him worse than they hate the Dems/Biden. They don’t gain political power by having a Dem in the White House in the most powerful position in the world. Again, even if they did hate trump, all they had to do was prove the rigged thing, put up w trump for 4 more years and then enjoy a 10-20 year run w all the power they wanted. There may not be anything more important to our country than free and fair elections….prove the Dems rigged it since we had the Supreme Court, White House, and was it both houses of Congress? and they’d have had more power than either party in the history of our country haha.You realize most the republicans in power hated Trump right? They don't want the country to win. They just want to win political power themselves.
One schmucks opinion here. & all of above are great thoughts.Can’t imagine they hated him worse than they hate the Dems/Biden. They don’t gain political power by having a Dem in the White House in the most powerful position in the world. Again, even if they did hate trump, all they had to do was prove the rigged thing, put up w trump for 4 more years and then enjoy a 10-20 year run w all the power they wanted. There may not be anything more important to our country than free and fair elections….prove the Dems rigged it since we had the Supreme Court, White House, and was it both houses of Congress? and they’d have had more power than either party in the history of our country haha.
Trump killed his career when he created the lie that Pence could over turn the election. And just as Trump does to everyone, he has continued to bash him and make him the bad guy.....What happened to Pence anyway? I liked the guy as VP. He destroyed Harris in the VP debate.
Its funny that you bring up money....What I find absolutely insane is that Trump is taking all his campaign monies and using it for his defense funds for these indictments. This bothers me, fight your own battles here pal with your BILLIONS! Stop taking the campaign money for this. Use the campaign money to win the damn election. Mark my words, Trump will lose solely because he will not let the indictment problems go. All he has to do is talk about all the bad stuff Biden is doing to ruin the country and he would have a shot at it. BUT he wont...he will talk about how they continue to indict will turn off the independent voters and the dems will win again....I agree. Career Republicans and Democrats are roughly identical. Trump is a threat to all of them, alike. Unfortunately, a person would have to be a billionaire in order to pull off what Trump has and continues to do. No grass roots candidate could possibly do it. No career politician could possibly do it. They all require too much external $ that comes with strings attached to it.
So, now, we're really looking to extremely wealthy individuals to shake things up.
Billionaires tend to be eccentric, narcissistic, and erratic. (Case in point.)
I'd love it 'If' Trump would just tone down his rhetoric, but we all know he won't. I wished the same thing after he won in 2016. I thought it was all a rouse that he would stop once elected, but boy was I wrong...
That’s statistically impossible There was absolute fraud.