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Who do you prefer, DeSantis or Trump?

The worst part of this whole thing is if Trump gets the nomination(which I believe he will) and then loses to Biden(which I believe he will) then all we will hear is about how it was stolen again...to be honest I am so tired of hearing it...the 2020 election wasnt stolen in the fact of counting fake votes as he claims...it was definitely stolen in the fact that the MSM was withholding important info from the American people and not giving all the facts about the Bidens.....

They will cheat again ! You seriously think Democrats are not manufacturing votes? Fake voters, fake voter rolls. There are cases all over the US, but the DOJ is stonewalling the FBI/investigation.

Muskegon County, Michigan is a recent case that should receive national attention . It’s a coordinated effort .

*Remember the media will not report on it, not even Fox News. You have to find the information on Gateway Pundit, Epoch Times or Revolver News. There’s dozens of stories on the Gateway Pundit about election fraud and they have video, pics and much more documentation!
I’m not opposed to moving on from Trump . They will cheat like hell to stop him, they already are— like right now with the 4 indictments.

But the next guy or gal will have to be ready to deal with foul play !
I'm sorry fellas but you guys believe far too many of these conspiracy theories....

If there is all of this proof of fraud, then where is the evidence? You honestly think here in 2023 that evidence could stay hidden? NO WAY!!! With social media, smart phones, etc. something would come out...

So the person who runs the election in whatever county PA has proof that it was fraudulent but yet nothing happens? Not even an interview with any sort on media company? Come on guys....

I am not saying that there isn't corruption or even a little funny business going on but without ANY concrete evidence to back any of these claims, then these are just conspiracy theories...nothing more, nothing less.

Do you guys know that the Georgia legislature asked the people who made 2000 mules to hand over there evidence so they could check into these claims but they wouldn't do it? Why not? If there was actual proof over fraud that these people had why not hand it over to the authorities and let them sort it out? Seems awfully odd to me...

Now listen I love a good conspiracy theory just as much as the next guy, and hell I was on the Trump train that believed it was stolen....but now after 2+ yrs we still have ZERO ACTUAL evidence....Fool once.........
Seriously ? 2000 Mules had video and cell phone tracking data of thousands of ballot stuffers. Some of them came from across state lines.

Where did you read that they refused to give evidence to the Georgia legislature.
TMayer .. go to Gateway Pundit and read the past articles on the Michigan fraud .. I challenge you to read it and then say “it’s fake news”

No it’s not, it’s a real investigation in which thousands of fake ballots are involved.
Muskegon County Michigan.


The Pennsylvania postal worker incident, where he delivered filled out Pennsylvania ballots that came from NY . It’s proof, but nothing happens.
Seriously ? 2000 Mules had video and cell phone tracking data of thousands of ballot stuffers. Some of them came from across state lines.

Where did you read that they refused to give evidence to the Georgia legislature.

  • Deleted by Hardwood11
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The 2000 Mules video has cell phone tracking data and video of the Mules some went to 10 or more drop boxes locations. Some crossed state lines .

If you are dropping off ballots for your family . Only (1) drop would be needed! No mask and late night drops would be required .

Conspiracy theory ? I would say it’s dead nuts proof of fraud. If you think differently that’s fine.

* I’ll bet next year (2024) they will not have their cell phones on !
  • Deleted by Windlooker
  • Deleted by Windlooker
  • Deleted by Windlooker
T , did you read my post. I had dinner with the President of Erie County PA elections. It’s not conspiracy theory, it’s fact. She was told to do nothing.
T , did you read my post. I had dinner with the President of Erie County PA elections. It’s not conspiracy theory, it’s fact. She was told to do nothing.
Yes I read your post. So she witnessed a crime essentially and then didn't report it? Hmmm seems fishy to me.. I am not saying I doubt what she said to you but I am saying I doubt the validity of her statement. If it is fact then where is the evidence?

This would be like watching your boss at work shoot someone and then they said "Hey, don't tell anyone"..... I don't buy it pal, sorry
T. The witnesses contacted her. She had no reason to lie. She requested them to go on the record which they refused. Reports came to her through various polling stations throughout the county. Also, the ballot dumps are on tape like others around the nation. When your city, county and state are run by dumocrats things tend to disappear or not get looked into. Your prerogative not to buy it. I will bet my life Trump won the 2020 election. No doubt. I worked in the US Justice Dept for a long time. The lengths politicians go to for power and control is unimaginable to most. It’s a deep state game most are unaware of and cannot comprehend at all levels of government.
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They will cheat again ! You seriously think Democrats are not manufacturing votes? Fake voters, fake voter rolls. There are cases all over the US, but the DOJ is stonewalling the FBI/investigation.

Muskegon County, Michigan is a recent case that should receive national attention . It’s a coordinated effort .

*Remember the media will not report on it, not even Fox News. You have to find the information on Gateway Pundit, Epoch Times or Revolver News. There’s dozens of stories on the Gateway Pundit about election fraud and they have video, pics and much more documentation!
It should be noted those sources you indicate are The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories. That definition from Wikipedia. The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement. That definition from Wikipedia. Revolver News, a fringe aggregation website with some right-wing commentary, has been cited frequently by top-rated Fox News host Tucker Carlson ... That is how Business Insider describes it.
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