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Who do you prefer, DeSantis or Trump?

These polls always blow my mind....Idk about any of you guys but I have never one time been polled on who I would vote for, ever in my life! Where do they come up with these numbers? I think 99% of polls(even right wingered ones) are just made up for something to talk about....

@Hardwood11 I just threw up in my mouth a little

If you read the bottom line on most of those polls, it is usually a couple thousand people at most and the margin for error is pretty big. Garbage I say.

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These polls always blow my mind....Idk about any of you guys but I have never one time been polled on who I would vote for, ever in my life! Where do they come up with these numbers? I think 99% of polls(even right wingered ones) are just made up for something to talk about....

@Hardwood11 I just threw up in my mouth a little
Its the guy you keep hanging up on when the first thing he says is "Do you have time for a short survey"
My wife and oldest son met the Desantis's a couple weeks back. Yesterday was my turn. Casey actually sat at our table. Both seem to be genuine, humble people. Not the standard politician. Not nearly the mass crowds that Trump pulls, but damn solid candidate with great ideas and track record. Desantis has my vote unless / until he's no longer in the race.


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My wife and oldest son met the Desantis's a couple weeks back. Yesterday was my turn. Casey actually sat at our table. Both seem to be genuine, humble people. Not the standard politician. Not nearly the mass crowds that Trump pulls, but damn solid candidate with great ideas and track record. Desantis has my vote unless / until he's no longer in the race.
Don’t make any mistake…. I personally think he’s great!!!! If he wins primary in ‘24- back him 100%. I personally think trump is better for ‘24 based on how far gone are nation is. But agree- I like desantis & he does seem like a great person, grounded, with great family & heck of a governor.
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  • Reason: Dup
Desantis has the WORST marketing and campaign staff / team. They are awful. Trump is a the BEST marketer in terms of selling himself as a president. I don't know how both are fumbling the ball right now with Ukraine. Desantis was back and forth...and now this with Trump. Vivek is starting to add some heat in this race as well.

I like a lot of things about Scott. He did a small gathering here locally and he was great. Very down to earth and treated a few people I know that helped run the event very well. I really think he could solve a few of this countries issues and unite people vs divide like Trump and Biden.
Really like Scott a lot. Agree w obsessed, right now I’d probably vote Desantis first, Scott second but would have no problem with either being the POTUS
WATCH WITH OPEN MIND. Don’t have to agree with any XYZ concept…. Watch this with open mind no matter what your thoughts are & watch when have a drive or spare time to take it in.

Trump in Erie, PA tonight. Packed. Turning people away. The man can lead. Leading is understanding the titled leader can’t know it all, creating an environment of voice/collaboration, placing people in positions of strength, and making a decision based on collected intellect. I don’t care how he speaks or who he pisses off. His responsibilities are vast and he gets it done.

I like DeSantis but he doesn’t inspire me. He’s a lawyer and s p e a k s like one. Every letter in place. He was a lawyer for the Navy SEALs, making sure they didn’t F up. Lol. Give me a warrior , not a guy watching them. Trump is a fighter. He’s proven that in the private sector, now government.
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He was a lawyer for the Navy SEALs, making sure they didn’t F up. Lol. Give me a warrior , not a guy watching them. Trump is a fighter. He’s proven that in the private sector, now government.

Ummm. Desantis is under qualified because he was only in the Navy and not a SEAL? You don’t want the guy watching the SEALs and somehow Trump is better qualified in that regard? This point is lost in here somewhere. Trump only watched them on TV.

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If we want a republican to get back in office, which I do, I'm afraid neither Trump or Desantis will get enough votes to win. I'm thinking Scott or Hailey but that can change.
T Max, it’s a rhetorical comment, meaning we don’t need another lawyer politician. Many career politicians are attorneys thinking they can lead. He’s fine, I like what he’s done in Florida, however, Trump is a successful businessman and politician who doesn’t play politics, gets results and can withstand adversity.
I wish they could work together. Desantis become Trumps running mate. Then when his term eligibility is up switch roles and get 8 more years without dealing with democrats.
Trump would NEVER choose a VP that has the remote possibility of outshining him. That's why he chose Pence in 2016. I predict that Trump will reluctantly choose a woman, and possibly even a 'minority' woman as his VP candidate this go around.
I think Trump is going to end up in jail at least for a period of time. All the liberal judges will hammer him and then start going after his family. This country is as corrupt as any place in the world now. It's like a steam engine no one can stop (except maybe Trump himself and that's why they are going after him).
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