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Youngmoose update (HE'S HOME)

Re: Youngmoose update

Sounds like things are going pretty good Perry. We will keep your family in our thoughts. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Re: Youngmoose update

Now that is great news to hear Moose!!! Hope Tyler's condition continues to improve and move in the right direction for him and your family. Thoughts will be with you all during the weekend.
Re: Youngmoose update

Great news Perry! I was sitting in a hospital all day Wed. "wife's gallbladder surgery" and was thinking of what you folks must be going through. Many prayers have been sent and will continue while he makes his recovery. God bless.
Re: Youngmoose update

Wow, first of all, how did I miss the original post?

That news is great, your family is going through something very difficult to comprehend. I'm thinking of you and wishing for a full and speedy recovery for Tyler.
Re: Youngmoose update

I prayed for you and your family in my office at school...Continue to look up...what an awesome update! Hope things continue to go well.
Re: Youngmoose update

That's all real good news perry! Hang in there and take your time bringing him home, he's at the best place he can be right now.
Re: Youngmoose update

Excellent news. Hope the recovery is a speedy one. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

Please keep us posted and will continue with the thoughts and prayers.
Re: Youngmoose update

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JNRBRONC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Good to hear, still in my thoughts. </div></div> /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Re: Youngmoose update

Perry, it sounds like things went great. I am a firm believer in honest and direct prayer. I will continue to pray for his recovery. Thanks for sharing your heart with us.
Re: Youngmoose update

Keep us informed. Let us know when they pull his lines and move him out of ICU.

Continued goodluck.

The 'Bonker
Re: Youngmoose update

Tyler was suppose to come out of ICU late this morning. They had him up in a chair for an hour or so but when they moved him back to the bed he was in extreme pain so they waited until this afternoon to move him out. They've removed all the tubes stuck in his neck but he still has the chest tubes for drainage. Those are causing him the most pain. Hopefully tommorrow they will take them out. I think he will do even better when those come out. He's been drinking some fluids and just a bit ago had some ice cream so things keep looking better all the time. My wife and I are both going on almost 40 hours with 2 to 3 hours of sleep so we might try to crash on a couch tonight in the waiting room.

Re: Youngmoose update

It's great to hear that things are looking up for your family. Please take care of yourself now and catch some ZZZ's. As I'm sure you're aware he is in great hands and they will wake you if he needs you. Take care and be assured many thoughts and prayers are coming your way.
Re: Youngmoose update

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">things keep looking better all the time </div></div>

That is the kind of news we want to hear...hope you get some rest now. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
Re: Youngmoose update

Well I'm home now and feeling surprisingly well. I want to thanks all of you for your thoughts and prayers. Hope to see you all soon.
Re: Youngmoose update

Glad your doing well bud! Now get better so you can smack a big old corn fed giant this fall! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
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