The windows, when fully closed, leak in pretty bad around the factory seal when it is raining. (See pic)
When opened and while hunting in the rain, the shape of the blind at the top of the window runs rain right into the blind...almost like it was designed to do so.

(Think waterfall.

) I don't consider these blinds to be waterproof, at all. (We intend to install "after market" drip edge, and maybe even small eaves, above the windows to combat these issues.)
The windows that open "up" don't hold their position and fall back closed right now. There is nowhere to hook or clip them in place so they stay open. We temporarily "hill billyed" a system to hold these windows open for this fall with strings and screws, etc, but it isn't at all something I would have expected to have to do to make something that costs that much work in basic function.
I feel like I am forgetting something, I haven't hunted out of it in a couple of months now. But I am not a fan of all.