Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Great timing.. I’ll throw out another experiment.

Disced clean, seeded and packed June 24th. 5# RWW Switch + 1# mix of Big Blue, Indian and a forb mix. Approx 1.25 Ac.

Going to drop some trees along this (hard) edge in it next winter.

So, this is a stand that is going into its 3rd growing season. Last year, lots of foxtail. Sprayed quorilac (sp?). Looks sparse. And concerned about how much duff there is. Thinking a burn would help? What would you do?





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So, 10 weeks latater, take a peak… I’m 6’4” I’m astounded at the difference. We ended up not even touching it after my last post.


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How much growth will I get on my switchgrass after a mowing (today)?

By the end of September?

If we good some rain and I know the heat is coming !
I mowed a piece 3 weeks ago high, prior to some rains and it really helped it. I'd say 16 inches now but a slightly different time frame. After seeing the results I mowed the rest...2nd year stuff.
I mowed a piece 3 weeks ago high, prior to some rains and it really helped it. I'd say 16 inches now but a slightly different time frame. After seeing the results I mowed the rest...2nd year stuff.
I think it will be waist high type .. which is fine.
We have 4 switchgrass field that are 10 to 15 years old and getting a bit weedy. I'd like to get rid of the weeds using oust, a.k.a. SFM 75. Am I correct that if I spray oust in November that the weeds will not grow the following spring/summer but the switchgrass will not be harmed by the oust? Or would an early spring application of oust be better, and would the switchgrass still not be affected and grow just as good with applying oust in early spring? thanks!
We have 4 switchgrass field that are 10 to 15 years old and getting a bit weedy. I'd like to get rid of the weeds using oust, a.k.a. SFM 75. Am I correct that if I spray oust in November that the weeds will not grow the following spring/summer but the switchgrass will not be harmed by the oust? Or would an early spring application of oust be better, and would the switchgrass still not be affected and grow just as good with applying oust in early spring? thanks!

I always spray end of March , clean as whistle .
I normally burn then I spray because of timing . Has worked well for me .

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