Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Waterboy

    Nonresident Landowner Changes?

    Non-Residents can also Post thier land solid or better yet...Lease it to an IOWAN OUTFITTER. If they passed a law stating 80 acres minimum with only one owner and that owner could only hunt his 80 acres would that be fair?
  2. Waterboy

    On the last day for Dad.......

    Did you get him on Bill's Piece? Just Curious.
  3. Waterboy

    eBay and sporting equipment?

    I find that alot of stuff on E-Bay are from local gun shops that use ebay to sell more items.
  4. Waterboy

    This can't be real

    It's Real. Jim Shockey had a home made video of a deer with similiar hooves.
  5. Waterboy

    Alternative Funds for for Iowa DNR

    I would pay a little more for a tag if the state used it to buy land and stop the leasing problem.
  6. Waterboy

    Land for Sale?

    I hope that if someone was in jeopardy of loosing a hunting spot due to a Real Estate sale that they would post it here as well. I'm from Ct. and would love to have a piece of property that I know produced nice animals and since I would have to wait every 2 to 3 years to hunt it I would give the...
  7. Waterboy

    Absolute Monster of a Buck

    I thought that deer looked familiar. I got your e-mail with those pics. Bill said you wanted my email so you could send me pictures....I wasn't sure if I wanted to open them since I'm rotting here in CT. with about a two year wait for a tag. How did you make out last year?
  8. Waterboy

    New law in effect?

    In Connecticut they are taking peoples house in order for a private Mall to be built. The town said it would benefit everyone. You think you guys have it bad....try to find a piece of property out here to hunt. Don't let me forget the average house price for a new 2500 square foot home is...
  9. Waterboy


    I just sent him a message threw ebay about the pics. If he answers it will show up on the ebay web page.
  10. Waterboy

    How many acres have you lost?

    Iv'e seen this in Vermont. All the locals sell there land for big out of state dollars then bitch when they see all the non residents. Iowa will continue to spiral out of control due to the supply and demand for Big Bucks. Iowa must start purchasing land for everyone to hunt....not just the ones...
  11. Waterboy

    License Fee Increase Poll

    Releasehunter, you better check your math. A non resident archery license is $100.00 dollars to shoot four deer in CT. I pay $320.00 for an either sex tag in Iowa. These monies are probably going into the general fund...Not just the DNR. I don't think they should add more tags nor raise the...
  12. Waterboy


    Drew State-Wide archery. I'll be in Kansas and Iowa with a bow this year. A dream come true.
  13. Waterboy

    Whitetail Insurance?

    Just curious if any of those stolen mounts had insurance on them. I'm guessing homeowners insurance would cover it. What's the value on something like the Independence Buck?
  14. Waterboy

    The results are in...

    For Non Residents its a Lottery System. Notice where everyone is from. I'm in for Zone 5 with archery.
  15. Waterboy

    nonresident tags

    I will not travel 1200 miles to shoot a doe. I will go home empty handed and have done just that twice. I hunt a friends farm and passed small bucks just to go home empty handed...happy! but empty handed. A local guy hunting next to us shot two 1 1/2 bucks after passing up 9 does. He said he was...
  16. Waterboy

    Needed: 'Interesting' shed for next painting...

    Old Buck, I sent you three photos of that deer as I found him dead. I sent them to your email off your home page. Not sure how to put them on line. If you got the photos let me know. The deer rack itself in the photos went extremely down hill from the year before. I'll email you them tomarro.
  17. Waterboy

    Needed: 'Interesting' shed for next painting...

    I have a matched pair with droptines for a total of 17 points. Looks very unique. I don't knwo how to post pictures but I will take a digital tonight and e-mail you them tomaaro. E-mail me at emasse@rwater.com if your interested. I would be willing to ship them to you also. I also have the deers...
  18. Waterboy

    Any new digital cameras out yet??

    Anyone out there willing to build me a digital camera? If so e-mail me at emasse@rwater.com.
  19. Waterboy

    the name game!

    I work for a Water Company in Connecticut. I have been hunting Iowa on a friends farm for the past 4 years. You Iowans are surely blessed.
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