I think I am going to get back in the saddle and try to go turkey hunting again. I haven't been turkey hunting for 3 or 4 years. I've done all of my Turkey hunting in NE Iowa north of Decorah.
The way my family relations have went down hill so to speak...I will not be hunting back up there with...
Since it's Christmas time again I thought I would once again post this.
Ever since my (now 13 year old) daughter was about 2, every Christmas we had her put out the customary cookies for Santa which of course I would have to take a bite out of the cookie. After a year or two of that we started...
Being that we are between seasons I thought I would bring this topic up. I was wondering if anyone on Iowawhitetail is into Geocaching? My daughter and I are starting to get into it. We bought a GPS at cabela's last week. I thought I could combine shed hunting with geocaching.
I've dumped under the same tree every year for the last 4 years. It is a Spruce tree on my 7 acre chunk of woods we bought a few years ago. It's about 200 yards away from my treestand. I tell everyone in my hunting party that if we are making a drive accross my land to not walk under the only...
No, don't have power up there yet. Maybe in a year or two. But that is what I was thinking the post or pictures were about. Someone had taken woven wire and put a ring around each tree. I think it's crazy why they aren't staked down but supposedly they don't have to? My uncle is a junk...
A while ago (a year or so ago) in this forum someone posted pictures of some fencing they put up around their tree's to keep the deer away. I have looked back a few pages and can't find them. I was wondering if whoever posted them could post them again or if anyone else has any suggestions on...
Re: Has IowaWhitetail.com changed your job perform
Use to go on here from work on a reguler basis. But then my wife and I got into a huge discusion (argument) one night about me going on from work and she said they can people all the time for going on the internet. Ever since then I don't do it.
What's going on with the ground there? Is that where you had/have salt blocks? I put our trail came out by a spot I had a salt block 3 years ago and it still is tore up! That stuff must hang around for a while I think they are actually eating the dirt.
Very true Wiggleworm! I just bacame a dad for the second time two weeks ago today. Life is good.
Congrates Shackdaddy! It's an asome feeling being a parent!
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