It seems like everyone is similar on what they would like to see. Skip, what do you think are some realistic changes we could see? How can we help?
Sorry- long rant here but covered all the subjects &
Reflecting on reading others….
1) folks need to join & volunteer (easy & not a lot of time!) to help the IBA & ISC!! Do both. For the classic… if you have DECENT people skills. Help in the booth for a day or few hours! Get folks to buy lifetime memberships to IBA. Go to ISC banquet. These things are not minor!!! HUUGGGEEEE help!!! Fund both these orgs as both need funds & about 99.9% of the $ goes right to the fight. & it’s working!!!
2) when subcommittee meetings on legislation happen- be a dude that will GO & speak for 30-60 seconds. Contact me on this. It’s not hard. Need folks who actually will show up with a couple days notice. It’s super easy, not time consuming & makes a HUGE difference as well. Lemme put it to u this way…. If I could get 3-4 guys to come with me, we’d have a substantially better shot at killing bad bills earlier in process or passing good ones. This comes down to MAYBE 30 mins at capital + drive time & maybe you talk for 30-60 seconds on BULLET POINTS. Easy.
3) when bad bills or good, share the links to write in and get dudes to actually take the time to write their legislator!!! Or all of them. Takes me maybe an hour to do all in senate & house. Regular dude could just write their house & senate legislator & take 2-5 mins.
4) go & bring with an army of folks to the dnr listening sessions.
THINGS TO CHANGE…. Lowest hanging fruit….
1) get rid of shed buck rifle season!!!!! Legislators & dnr need to get bombarded again.
2) focus on ehd over cwd. Long discussion. Awareness that ehd is a far bigger issue & reality than CWD IMO.
3) celeb tags promoting iowa must go. 8 figures of views per year still going on promoting iowa.
4) lower deer quotas in MOST counties.
5) no changes or minor gentle changes to forest reserve. CRP program likely will have cuts so we need to protect our tiny bit of forest.
6) minimum acreage for a THIRD buck tag needs to change!!!! It’s some crazy low amount right now that does not merit, biologically, a 3rd buck for folks!! IMHO- 3 is too many for ANY size land owner. 2 is enough. Let’s start by at least making it a sane amount that warrants a 3rd buck tag, let’s say instead of 2 or 5…. It’s like 20 or 40. That’s a start in right direction.
7) no more new seasons, new weapons added (rifles, crossbows to archery season, etc). No special tags for xyz special interest. Leave it alone!!!! NO MORE!!!!
I’m reading through the rest right now. Above referenced THIS YEAR & a good reality/starting point. Because of ISC & IBA, you likely will see maybe 1/5th as many bad bills vs years past. The amount knocked out before they got launched is due to YOU & these groups. The hunters across state have been winning & even “silently winning” as so much has been done that you will never see because xyz disaster never got legs under it. I’ll chime in with some bigger longer term ones too. This was just “this year”. Wanna read through every post as it’s super helpful & that’s where best ideas are generally found. Thanks all!
Remember - iowa is managed exceptionally well vs any other state…. Why we need to be careful with changes. At the same time- we have had TONS of changes - more seasons, new weapons, new technology, more killing, habitat destruction & ramped EHD…. So dialing something back sure could be warranted since it’s only gone one way for 20 years now!! Other states: ruined, disasters. You think access here is tough?!?! Go to IL, MI, MO, WI, etc…. Almost impossible. The worse the states hunting & age class…. The more the land is locked up, sectioned up, all pay to play & no access. Folks often miss this part!!!! When u make a system worse in any way, it triggers a reaction for guys to lock land up to insulate & attempt to have quality hunting. If the regulations gave a balanced age structure & limited kill…. The competition for “great land” would be far less as that quality land would be more common. Iowa has land locked up, make no mistake. But it’s nothing like surrounding states. Heck, KS has less people, more habitat & deer but offers any NRLO with 80 acres a guaranteed buck tag…. Folks are hemorrhaging access to insane degree in last 5-15 years. Go across Line into MO where it’s free for all & lunatic regulations… all tied up. Leased up. Outfitters, etc etc. IL is solid locked up and huge $ pay to play for 10-20 years now.
Bottom line: lifting up the resource across the state for reasonable deer #’s & a balanced age structure helps EVERYONE!!! Helps with access, helps retain hunters. Helps fund dnr & state. There is very little downside to a well managed deer herd with ample balance in age structure!! On other hand, ruin the resource with crazy regs…. All the opposite is true!!! It hurts everyone & every part of the system!!!
If someone posed the question “selfishly, you want 3 buck tags & it’s nice to have them… BUT…. If I could convince u going to 2 would benefit the resource, other hunters & the state….. would u choose the resource?” I would. I think that’s the ? We need to ask or start with…. What’s best for resource, access, other hunters, hunting economy, future, etc. VS ME ME ME - any topic. How we choose that path is delicate but at the same time…. It’s pretty obvious… we’ve liberalized our regs here for 20 years by a lot!!!! A bit of tightening back up is warranted. Even if it’s starting with “hey, the northern 2/3rd of state, let’s lower quotas so there’s actually deer on land with habitat vs it being decimated like it is now”. Increase deer #’s is the absolute easiest & lowest hanging fruit we can get fixed. The first place to start. The legislator & dnr are getting a lot of pressure due to “no or low deer #’s” right now!!!