Super Moderator
Re: Brassicas - August 1st Planting
No need for a "perfect" seedbed, all we need is seed/soil contact and a firm seedbed.
The roller is the next best thing to a cultipacker, as long as it's not to heavy and actually "packs/compacts" the soil it will be fine.
A friend of mine uses a lawn roller that you fill with water but he doesn't fill it up so it isn't so heavy.
An ATV can work also on small plots...just drive back and forth until the surface has been firmed with the tires.
The key is "firm" not "packed"...watch auction sales and classifieds for an old cultipacker and pick one up when you can.
I noticed the "chewed" up clover and oats doesn't leave a perfectly clean bed which after seeing your plots must be ok then? This is what mine looked like after tilling the clover last week before the alfalfa planting and I was curious if it would be a problem.
We also have a straight cylinder roller..not cultipacker..just a big large cylinder! Will this firm the seed bed too much or is it OK? That's all I've got at this point.
No need for a "perfect" seedbed, all we need is seed/soil contact and a firm seedbed.
The roller is the next best thing to a cultipacker, as long as it's not to heavy and actually "packs/compacts" the soil it will be fine.
A friend of mine uses a lawn roller that you fill with water but he doesn't fill it up so it isn't so heavy.
An ATV can work also on small plots...just drive back and forth until the surface has been firmed with the tires.
The key is "firm" not "packed"...watch auction sales and classifieds for an old cultipacker and pick one up when you can.
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