What would the seeding rate for AWP, Rye, Oats and Red Clover be per acre? Also, I am hoping to plant Buckwheat late June, prior to APW/Rye/Oat/Clover planting in early September. Is two months of BW enough time to help with weeds and soil
2 months is plenty for buckwheat and probally just perfect timing!
Planting rates for the mix can vary widely depending on your budget because it's not going to be used for grain, only forage meaning that we can sow much heavier then normal rates.
Rates depend on your expected usage or deer densities so there is no "right/wrong" just a range to choose from.
I like to sow 80#'s of winter rye, 80-120#'s of oats and 15-30#'s of AWPeas and 8-12#'s of red clover.
Till, plant grains, cultipack to cover, sow red clover and re-cultipack Grains can be lightly disced or dragged an 1" or so deep but clover needs to be just pressed into the top 1/8 to 1/4" of soil so don't mix clover seed with the grains.
You can use lower rates, you can leave out the oats and peas or mix and match to your choice but that's what I use in my high deer desnity area's. Look back at the beginning of this thread for details and pictures...
Another question that maybe could be answered at the same time:
I have a brome field that I am converting to Rye-Oats-AWP-Red Clover.
Would you fertilize it?
What is the ideal date to plant these? (i'm in SW Iowa)
Thanks Very Much!
I almost never fertilize cereal grains so it's entirely up to the landowner if your trying to build soil fertility and PH then it's a good time to start adding P&K based on soil tests and lime if it's needed.
The grains will grow with out adding anything unless the ground is extremely poor. If you expect very heavy grazing then adding 100#'s of urea per acre will cause the rye and oats to take off like a rocket!
Sometimes growth can be TOO fast when nitrogen is added so use a little caution when using nitrogen. It's better with later planted grains then earlier.
In southern Iowa, very late August through Labor Day is optimum planting time for fall grains with the first of September being what I shoot for.
Again...flip back to page one for more details on all of your questions...