I went to mow some oats and berseem to prepare to plant brassicas...Holy Cats...should've just hired a combine isntead!!
Doggone things sure were pretty!
Berseem was doing pretty well but not as good as if I would have clipped the oats earlier
The place was full of deer beds
and it's hard to see in this pic but most had little fawn beds a few fet from the larger beds
I had one bag of just common oats and all the rest were Jerry oats and really didn't expect much difference but it was really quite huge! The odd bag planted area was full of weeds and you can see in this pic the strip not mowed yet to the left of the jerry oats which appear brighter and lighter in color and have few weeds.
Oats can provide several tons of dry matter that can be tilled back into the soil and the straw helps loosen and aerate the soil
I would prefer to use a heavy disc or a plow to till it all under as is but I need to use my tiller only on this patch and they are just to heavy to till under without chopping them up first.
Part of this planting was a nurse crop for white clover and you can just the clovers peeking thru the chopped straw
A portion of this planting will be planted in late August to a rye/oat/pea mix and I would have preferred to just leave the oats standing and make use of the "free seed" but some places weeds we're starting to pop up and I didn't want them to got to seed.
Another field was pretty clean so we'l leave that one standing and mow the oats ahead of planting. Doing so will shatter the oats onto the ground where we can add rye and peas after tilling it under.
These fields were old pastures and somewhat infertile soil suffering from years of being "used and abused" as pasture, it needs lime as soon as we can get it put on but as one can see...didn't phase the oats any!
Spring plantings of oats and berseem are a way to suffacate weeds, start fixing nitrogen and add tons of organic matter to the soil when tilled in. We use buckwheat in the same manner but no nitrogen is produced giving an edge to the berseem in this case...