Thanks for the great pics fellas! :way:
February 12, 2012
The strip plots have been pounded relentlessly and those not quite large enough to keep up with the grazing pressure seem to have little left to offer
The once lush brassicas are grazed to the dirt as have the rye/oats/peas/radish combo
Yet...closer inspection reveals the still green winter rye
and remnants of the Groundhog forage radish
along with the rye keep them coming back
and the baby red clover is waiting silently for spring to arrive
in the brassica strips what at first appears to be nothing more then dirt...still holds prizes
as the turnip and radish roots continue to feed deer
the combination of crops is holding deer at a time when most food sources are long ago...gone
but are the deer really still feeding in our plots? The rye is grazed to the dirt....are you sure they are still coming???
You betcha I'm sure...
Note the dates....snow or shine...they keep coming back
The right combination of crops all planted within each feeding area will insure that your whitetails done' end up finding the neighbors place more attractive. Year around food sources are a hedge against them getting killed on the road, by poachers or hung in a fence if they have to travel to find food to survive.
Keep them home and adapt them to very predictable patterns by utilizing the following example....
Plant ALL in one plot in strips or blocks
Alice (or comparable) white clover 10% of plot, sow at 6#'s per acre with the rye combination in the fall or in the spring with oats and berseem clover. Correct Ph and P&K with soil tests
Brassicas in 45% of plot
Purple Top Turnips 3#
Dwarf Essex Rape 2#
GroundHog Forage radish 5#
Plant in mid to late July in most Midwest states, or 60-90 days before your first killing frost, Use 200#'s of 46-0-0 urea and 400#'s of 6-28-28 per acre. Follow the dead brassicas with oats and berseem or crimson clover in mid spring at 60#'s oats and 12-15#'s berseem clover and/or 50#'s of chickling vetch)
Cereal Grain combo in 45% of plot
Winter rye 50-80#'s per acre (56#'s = a bushel)
Spring oats 80-120#'s per acre (32#'s = a bushel)
Austrian Winter Peas or 4010/6040 Forage peas 20-80#'s per acre
Red Clover 8-12#'s per acre or white clover at 6#'s per acre (or 20-40 pounds hairy vetch and 20-30#'s crimson clover on sandy soils)
Groundhog Forage Radish 5#'s per acre
Plant in late August to early September, if following well fertilized brassicas use 100 - 200#'s of urea, if starting a new plot add 400#'s of 6-28-28
Rotate the brassicas and rye combo each year