Re: Clover - Using Select Herbicide
I sprayed Select 2 EC grass herbicide on some new clover seedings and some older clover stands that had brome and other grasses creeping back into them.
The new seeding has mostly foxtail and I could have gotten by with just mowing but wanted to test the Select on some of it.
I split a gallon with a friend which makes it a little more affordable because it can run nearly $140 a gallon. If you can't find any locally , PM nannyslayer and he can fix you right up /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Select 2EC (Clethodium) is applied postemergence at 6-8 Fl oz. per acre.
Crop oil must be used with it at 1% of final spray solution.
I take a long a measuring cup so I don't have any guess work.
Most grasses the label suggests spraying at 2-8" so I mowed my older stand as noted in my previous post and waited for the regrowth before spraying.
2,4–DB Amine (Butyrac 200) can be tank mixed with Select at 2.0–6.0 pt per acre to control broadleaves but I'm not having a problem with them and I find them easy to control via clipping.
The Durana clover the end of June was doing very well, I took the following pics just before clipping these plots which happen to be in a tree planting and was sorely in need of having the weeds clipped. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Close up of the Durana leaves...deer had been grazing it pretty hard and the strips were full of beds.
The Alice, Kopu 2 and Jumbo Ladino Clover mix from Welters
and some Grazer Alfalfa that I added to the mix (hard to see in all the clover...)
I planted new plots of the above mentioned clover seeds from Welters next to alfalfa and falcata alfalfa plots to compare pros and cons and see how clover stacks up to alfalfa.
I planted them all with Forage Oats from nannyslayer and added berseem clover as well.
It's all very thick and lush and doing very well
The oats are heading out now and I should mention the clover seed from Welters is two years old, having been left over from last year. If germination was could've fooled me!
but they served their purpose in acting as a nurse crop and providing early spring forage for deer.
I really love the Berseem Clover, it takes off quickly and can be noted by the longer slender leaves vs the rounder "cloverleaf" of the white clover.
Berseem is an annual clover that is often added to brand name mixes, however it is very inexpensive seed and you will end up paying 4-5 times it's value in a commercial mix.
Welters Berseem Clover seed is roughly $1.65 a # and they will sell it by the pound.
Welters White Clover seed will average $4 a pound and at 4 pounds per acre plus a pound of berseem your looking at a 20 dollar bill versus 40 bucks for a 1/2 worth from some seed companies.
I did like the Tecomate mix which was reasonably priced but it hasn't fared to well on the dry clay soil where I planted it and the other mixes.
Durana and Alice really shine under poor conditions, however if you have moist fertile clay soils then almost any of the clover mixes sold commercially will do great (price not withstanding...)
This is some mature red clover and you can see it get's much taller and ranker then white clover and requires several clippings to keep it palatable to deer.
Red clover is a better choice with alfalfa or managed alone IMO and nannyslayer has some resonably priced premium red clover seed available if you choose that route.
I like to add red clover with a fall rye plot or frost seed it into a brassica plot, previous soybean plot etc. It's a great source of nitrogen when plowed down and makes great hay if you have a farmer willing to bale it.
I'll post results of the Select spraying after it's had time to work and I have some more to do that I just mowed...stay tuned. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
This link is about managing weeds in alfalfa and clover is pretty much the same when it comes to dealing with herbicides.
Managing Weeds in Alfalfa
It provides more information about types and tank mixes and other "need to know" information before you fill the sprayer tank! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif