2-4db otherwise known as butyrac. You can order it from keystone pest.
What would be a good herbicide to kill ragweed in a new clover plot and not affect the clover, or is mowing the best option?
I would mow as needed
I have a great clover stand with the timely rains here in SW Iowa, but yes, the ragweed and foxtail is starting to take over (roughly 6-8 inches in height, maybe 10 inches in a few select spots). Is this is an acceptable height to mow it? Also, at what height should I clip the plot? The plot is probably about a month and half old at this point.
If you have foxtail that's starting to take over, I'd get it with clethodim & crop oil asap. If it's going to be a bit before you get to that, get that stuff mowed as soon as you're able so it isn't smothering clover while you're waiting to spray it. Ragweed will respond a little better with the mowing where I'd for sure hit foxtail with clethodim & crop oil BUT after that you sure could hit with some 2,4-D,B. A lot of ways to skin this cat BUT I guess if it were mine, I'd be mowing it within next few days unless I could immediately blast with clethodim & crop oil 1st which would be 1st choice (I'd go a little heavier, 14-18 oz IMO). I'd then hit it with butyrac or just mow it in a week or so after the clethodim. Basically, a lot of ways to tackle this but you need to kill the foxtail and clethodim is the option there and you need to keep things from being overtaken for sure with mowing, etc.
Berseem and crimson are planted to fix nitrogen for brassicas, when they flower they stop fixing nitrogen and set seed. It's important to keep them working for us, but as Skip mentioned this is not important for white clover.
We clip white clover once or twice a year but flowering is irrelevant, more to control weeds![]()
Going 2 do a clover plot this fall. Would it be better to do this with oats or rye with it? I no oats will dye out ,but what would you do with the rye in the spring?(just do oats?) What type (kind) of oats would you use also? Is buck forage oats a better oat that doesn't die out as fast late fall?
Also would you seed the oats and cultipak with the clover?
Sorry a lot of questions.............thnx.
I need to apply 3 tons of lime per acre on a new clover plot planted last fall with PH of 5.7. 1/2 will get tilled under in September for the rye mix and 1/2 will remain clover that I want to hunt over in the fall. Will the lime hurt / bury the clover or will it quickly grow over it. Don't want ruin a nice clover plot. Hope to do brassicas in a year when PH is corrected.