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I checked it last night and seems to be working. Plenty dead in some spots and definitely browning up in others. The bummer is my frost seeded clover isn't really coming up, must've gotten too shaded out or else didn't get good seed to soil contact. Looks like I will be starting over this fall.

I also have mixed results frost seeding clover. The best stands are always establishing in the fall with cereal rye.

Plant about a week before Labor Day. No other method comes close IMO.
I also have mixed results frost seeding clover. The best stands are always establishing in the fall with cereal rye.

Plant about a week before Labor Day. No other method comes close IMO.
That's the plan. Going to plant half the plot clover with winter rye and the other half clover with radish and purple top turnip. Then next year hopefully the whole plot is lush clover.
Have you had success establishing a clover plot when planted with brassicas?
Can be done. It usually gets shaded out & smothered. A taller or faster growing clover would be ones to try … red is taller. Berseem will grow faster. Plenty others. U could try whites … clovers & brassicas aren’t very compatible but worth a shot & if brassicas are a bit sparse - could be a lucky scenario where clovers do have enough sunlight.
Can be done. It usually gets shaded out & smothered. A taller or faster growing clover would be ones to try … red is taller. Berseem will grow faster. Plenty others. U could try whites … clovers & brassicas aren’t very compatible but worth a shot & if brassicas are a bit sparse - could be a lucky scenario where clovers do have enough sunlight.

Agreed. A fast growing annual like Crimson is about the only one I’ve gotten to work.
Interesting on Butyrac label. Combines clethodim & crop oil on alfalfa. If alfalfa gets too big- looks like might yellow it a touch. Will grow out of it. I’d guess clover would be same thing if not more resilient. Dunno how- but I’ve never “broken the law” & tried it on clover. ;). & no one should!!! :) no jail time for IW members!. If u guys will help with my lawyer bills I’ll try it! Not labeled for clover so I can’t say that but…. Hmmmmm…. Interesting…
I’ve got a bunch of ground ivy in my clover.

Spring 2023 I frost seeded clover and it didn’t go well. I sprayed gly in late summer, and then planted a fall blend. Because of the failed frost seed, I decided to till and broadcast clover in spring 2024. I have some clover in there now, but the ground ivy came up hard. I mowed it last week. My plan is to spray something to kill the grass and ground ivy, broadcast brassicas and wheat into it this fall and then frost seed again next spring. The goal is to get a clover plot established.

What can I spray on my clover to get rid of the ground ivy and not kill the clover?
I’ve got a bunch of ground ivy in my clover.

Spring 2023 I frost seeded clover and it didn’t go well. I sprayed gly in late summer, and then planted a fall blend. Because of the failed frost seed, I decided to till and broadcast clover in spring 2024. I have some clover in there now, but the ground ivy came up hard. I mowed it last week. My plan is to spray something to kill the grass and ground ivy, broadcast brassicas and wheat into it this fall and then frost seed again next spring. The goal is to get a clover plot established.

What can I spray on my clover to get rid of the ground ivy and not kill the clover?
I’d check Butyrac 200 label. That with methylated seed oil might do it. I’ll look up label & see.
This season I’m finally going to get on top of some neglected clover. With a huge chore list I’ve let it slide in past. If it’s a priority- having a lush carpet of clover is one of the simplest food plots out there. After all these years of: clethodim & crop oil, trying Imox & then 2,4-d-B …. I usually just stuck with clethodim & crop oil & mowed for broadleaves.
After 15-20 years of using clethodim I have always left 2,4-d-b (Butyrac 200) out. Always thought the label said the 2 can’t be mixed. I’m sure folks have done it and with how hard clover is to kill- I’m sure likely be fine.
INTERESTING after all these years to see the 2 combined in the label for alfalfa.

PERSONALLY, I have not had great success with IMOX. Mediocre at best. But I do know others that swear by it. No doubt the cocktail preference would be cleth, crop oil & Butyrac if it won’t damage clover
*** I’m gonna try tank mixing both together on clover & I’ll post the results later. I’m 99.9% it’ll be fine. I’m gonna have one big concern…. Will these 2 clog the sprayer? Will it turn to sludge? That’s the part I’ll also find out & report back ;).
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Skip - Did you have success mixing the Butyrac, Clethodim, & crop oil? If so, what rates of each?
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