3 scenarios that need attention (prolly be fine EVENTUALLY doing nothing, but want to help them to best cover ASAP)
BB, IG, CIR switch, Slender wheat, Virginia WR: Planted spring 2015
BB, IG, CIR switch: Frost seeded winter 2016
Straight CIR: frost seeded winter 2016
Examples of some methods. Like ANYTHING, there's always multiple methods, tools, circumstances, etc that can be done or needed. EXAMPLES...
"BB, IG, CIR switch, Slender wheat, Virginia WR: Planted spring 2015"....
2,4-d on a cooler day. You have all grasses there. If you have broadleaf issues, 2,4-D would be great on established grasses. If you have stuff like Foxtail (not as likely on a 2nd year stand), quinclorac. Another option is Plateau using it post emergent (label) in addition or alone to others. Mowing is yet another option. Now, 2nd year, if it's not thick, it could need some interseeding again either dormant or spring. I could go on and on with this. Interseeding especially, a lot of options and herbicides depending on situation.
BB, IG, CIR switch: Frost seeded winter 2016
Mow. Herbicide front: 2,4-d and possibly Quinclorac when plants are well established and clearly growing well. I'm ok with Plateau on new switchgrass up to 2 oz per acre on non germinated but usually avoid it period. Established, you could add some as well. If it were me, I'd probably just mow higher periodically.
Straight CIR: frost seeded winter 2016
Mow. Herbicides post emergent.... Additional atrazine. 2,4-d same situation, very cautiously. Quinclorac.
All of these have other herbicides that are varying in effectiveness. They are "tools", not solutions or guarantees. flexibility & follow up is always needed obviously. back up plans as far as complete failures are always on my list. But, you planted early and I think if you simply keep canopy open, you're likely fine (herbicides or mowing). Planting early is smart! Well done. This dry time right now is making me nervous on some stuff I finished up with that got in late. We'll see.
Reminder for folks, just Native grasses..... If I want a solid stand of grasses, I try to put into 3 or 4 categories as treating them is much easier. I have all types of grasses but I break them up so they are easier to manage or establish....
Straight Switchgrass - I do some of this. Frost seeded & IDEAL is in clean bean stubble that had premium weed control the prior year in beans (low weed seed bed) - High rates of atrazine & I usually mix gly or Liberty herbicide and often I spray 2 times in spring. Watch for foxtail, pigweed, waterhemp, grabgrass, etc (solution for all).
Switch & Big Blue mix - same as above EXCEPT BB will germinate slightly earlier/more easily (no stratification needed). Both are lovers of Atrazine. Atrazine, again, needs CLEAN SOIL with as little residue as possible, soil contact with atrazine critical and your weed seed bank is going to define how difficult management will be.
Indian & Big Blue mix - possibly my favorite for EASE of planting. I purposely leave out Switch because not Plateau Tolerant at high rates. Love Plateua.... 12-14 oz per acre with complete kill with round-up or Liberty. Weed control is sick with high rates of Plateau, probably one of the best residual pre-emergents I've ever seen. All season control with very few weeds if used at high rates. Now, there's only about 4-5 native grasses that can tolerate 12+ oz of Plateau so that's why I do BB & Indian. Only 2-3 forbs can tolerate it as well (off top of my head, IL bundleflower, Partridge pea, etc). But, if I just want a thick stand of natives, fast, last minute or I just like them OR if I'm planting into "poor quality soil" - Indian & BB with heavy Plateau is my go-to.
I'll do some mixes that are Plateau tolerant & lower the rates BUT I plan on mowing.
Last, mix of ANY kind, you name it, throw it in & just make sure you have blasted your fields to kill weeds, several times if needed..... Plan on mowing as needed, to keep canopy open. This year, my fields with no pre-emergents, I hit these fields once with round-up, crop oil, AMS & 2,4-d knowing it would be a couple weeks before planting. Before planting, I again hit freshly emerged weeds with Liberty & AMS and then planted. Got the last flush of weeds fried. I'll still be mowing though.
Good luck to you guys on the plantings.