I am convinced that most people from Iowa really do not get it when it comes to the whitetail hunting and what Iowa has compared to other states. I know I lived and bowhunted in Iowa for nearly 30 years and I had no idea how good I had it until I moved to Minnesota in 2001.
A year and a half ago, I started a website for bowhunters that want to travel to places like Iowa for bowhunting road trips (bowhuntingroad.com), and I know have readers from across the eastern half of the US... it is exploding, with more than 10,000 unique visitors most months now. People that hunt in states that do not have the quality of hunting that is found in Iowa are absolutely enamored with the hunting you have in Iowa. Most Iowans just take it for granted but believe me the rest of the US doesn't!
A year and a half ago, I started a website for bowhunters that want to travel to places like Iowa for bowhunting road trips (bowhuntingroad.com), and I know have readers from across the eastern half of the US... it is exploding, with more than 10,000 unique visitors most months now. People that hunt in states that do not have the quality of hunting that is found in Iowa are absolutely enamored with the hunting you have in Iowa. Most Iowans just take it for granted but believe me the rest of the US doesn't!