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NR party hunting to be eliminated

I am not a resident of Iowa but the loophole in the regs was 100% BS. No way you should be able to buy a NR doe tag and kill a buck, it just does not make sense plain and simple.

This may be a step in the direction of eliminating party hunting all together but even if it doesn’t I think this change should have been done. I know of nowhere else for any animal that this is a legal practice.
Fishing and pheasant both allow for it and not just in iowa
I am not a resident of Iowa but the loophole in the regs was 100% BS. No way you should be able to buy a NR doe tag and kill a buck, it just does not make sense plain and simple.

This may be a step in the direction of eliminating party hunting all together but even if it doesn’t I think this change should have been done. I know of nowhere else for any animal that this is a legal practice.
This is in Iowa where they can’t hunt their farm they own for 3-5 years. Much different scenario. It will just lead to more 2 person blinds .

These guys are either gonna sell the farm or buy big dark window blinds that sit 2-3 people.
Yep. This BS will stop very little. Many NRs know somebody , especially NRLOs. Wishful thinking and fluff.
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Minnesota party hunts. Shares tags. Iowa does for residents. Kratz, you good with residents sharing tags?
Nope, don’t think anyone should use someone else’s tag. Lived in IA for 10 years bought and filled my own tags, would never think about using another’s.

I think the NR piece of this is a bigger issue thou. If you only want 6000 NR buck tags given out why would you make a loophole where 3500 more can be harvested, just doesn’t make sense. How they went about eliminating it, BS I agree, but it needed to be done. It would have gotten voted thru easily I think if it was on a ballot.

Exploit the system, buy a doe tag knowing you will be targeting a buck, either R or NR, 100% messed up.
This is in Iowa where they can’t hunt their farm they own for 3-5 years. Much different scenario. It will just lead to more 2 person blinds .

These guys are either gonna sell the farm or buy big dark window blinds that sit 2-3 people.
They can hunt their farm every year, just can’t shoot the buck they want.

Again you know it is a point systeM when you buy, if it takes too long there are a lot of good deer states to own land and draw a tag every year.

If it does lead to more guys poaching hopefully they throw the book at them when they get caught
Yep. This BS will stop very little. Many NRs know somebody , especially NRLOs. Wishful thinking and fluff.
One way it for sure won’t stop is by doing nothing. If you are trying to keep the state the greatest in the land for whitetail hunting you have to make changes. Seems like a good step and potentially a way for Iowan hunters to benefit in the long run
Really. I’m for action but not thoughtless , toothless action. You want to stop bad activity you ban all party hunting and no NR doe hunting. Put the harvest goals solely on residents. After all we live here, pay taxes, it’s our land , we should take care of it. If you’re a NR you need an anysex tag in your pocket. We would see if us concerned residents would fulfill the harvest goals set by the dnr. I doubt it. Can’t brag about a doe on Facebook.
Really. I’m for action but not thoughtless , toothless action. You want to stop bad activity you ban all party hunting and no NR doe hunting. Put the harvest goals solely on residents. After all we live here, pay taxes, it’s our land , we should take care of it. If you’re a NR you need an anysex tag in your pocket. We would see if us concerned residents would fulfill the harvest goals set by the dnr.
Yeah I said no party hunting all together in my first post
Perfect. So now we’re not reaching harvest numbers. How do we solve that ?? Yes. I’m being hypothetical. But it’s coming. This January I’ll repost this. Everyone is clapping but not looking 5 steps down the road. This is a pathway for nrlo tags.
I’m not talking about other states. This is Iowa. In the Drury dnr round table video you didn’t watch there was a concern that only 2500 of 4000 nr doe tags were sold. With this many less will be sold. Farm Bureau , Insurance companies are gonna respond. How will the numbers be satisfied? New legislation in some form come January. Party hunting , late season rifle, etc is meant to reach harvest numbers.
Come on, NR shoot what 3000 of the 100k deer harvested in Iowa a year? This will have almost 0 impact on harvest numbers.
I just can’t see this being a detriment to harvest numbers

I do agree could be some hidden agenda in here for more NR tags, but I think closing a shitty loophole is a good thing.
I told myself I was going to keep my mouth shut but sorry I can’t anymore.
Just because it isn't your preferred way to hunt doesn't mean it should be banned.
This statement I stole from the other post pretty much sums things up in my opinion. The trashing on party hunting is getting old. Pisses me off to be honest. There are a hell of a lot more good hunting groups than the latter and some of these are made up of some damn good hunters/sportsman and even better men. Because a rule was changed to close a loophole in iowas regs we need throw a shit fit and get rid of all party hunting? That makes perfect sense. As I type this I rant I just got a text from some Texas buddies that said no big deal they are still coming. Oh and by they way at first I was upset by this change for them and couple others that I know that come here and party hunt “legally”with friends and family not just pay some random dude a couple thousand bucks to sit in a blind with him on his 500 acre lease.
Eff that. It’s wrong. Should be left alone. Everyone says on here leave the laws alone unless it involves NR. It’s like telling a mugging victim to shut up and take it. No way. This is targeted, selfish and off base. Kratz, you said it, NRs make little impact on the harvest. Why ban them from party hunting. No impact. Right?
Eff that. It’s wrong. Should be left alone. Everyone says on here leave the laws alone unless it involves NR. It’s like telling a mugging victim to shut up and take it. No way. This is targeted, selfish and off base. Kratz, you said it, NRs make little impact on the harvest. Why ban them from party hunting. No impact. Right?
I think you've said the same thing about 15 times already on this forum. Give it up. I'm all for voicing opinions but you're not going to change people's minds and they aren't going to change yours. Someone said it earlier and I liked it. Complain once then figure out how to do something about it if you really care.

My opinions really don't matter and that is ok with me but if you want to know where I stand on it.

Do I care if a son/daughter/father/mother who lives out of state buys a doe tag and hunts with an immediate family member and uses their resident tag on a buck - no.

Do I think it's wrong that a non resident could find someone random in the Walmart checkout line and give them $2000 to buy an either sex shotgun tag and then "party hunt" with them - you bet. You can't enforce that though.

Do I think we need to get rid of deer drives or party hunting overall - nope. I have only participated in a couple and none in the last 15 years but when they are done safely, it's fun and it's nice to not take things so stinking serious. I'd much rather create memories with true friends and family then worry about shooting a big enough buck to "prove" yourself to others.
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Eff that. It’s wrong. Should be left alone. Everyone says on here leave the laws alone unless it involves NR. It’s like telling a mugging victim to shut up and take it. No way. This is targeted, selfish and off base. Kratz, you said it, NRs make little impact on the harvest. Why ban them from party hunting. No impact. Right?
keep the loop hole I could care less, I don’t live in IA anymore and will never buy hunting land there because of the regs. I hope they increase the NR doe tags to 50k and everyone catches on!!
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