A few known "safe" herbicides for switchgass and Big Bluestem have been listed..atrazine, simazine and Paramount (quinclorac) but I have also mentioned using Oust XP so i want to touch on that a bit.
The label states that if 2 ounces of Oust Xp is applied one should wait three months before planting switchgrass or big bluestem. I believe on heavy soils that if one applies Oust in late March knowing that dormant seeded switch will not germinate until mid to late May...it will be safe...HOWEVER...I am testing that theory myself and would urge others to allow me to either prove or disprove that theory before using it yourself.
Even one ounce of Oust XP provides pretty effective control on my tree plantings so applying that 45 days ahead of germination should be fine but I don't want anyone killing their NWSG plantings until I know more.
I do know this...2 ounces of Oust Xp and one quart of 41% glyphosate applied with one quart of crop oil is wicked deadly!! I sprayed the sod last fall where I would be dormant seeding switch and there is not so much as a hint of life from the fescue, brome and other sod grasses!
You can see where I sprayed and didn't in this picture
and along the left edge in this pic
This is why I encourage landowners to fall kill the sod where they plant on planting nwsg and if done correctly will help ensure a rapid, successful NWSG establishment.
In this pic you can see where I planted trees with a tree planter last spring and sprayed Oust XP, Surflan, Gly and cropoil after planting. This spring you can see the whole place is full of Big Bluestem...NONE of which was planted!
The seed was laying in the soil and we both disturbed it with the tractor/planter and released it via the spraying.
I have seen this happen repeatedly over the past 15 years and watched switchgrass explode after trees were sprayed with Oust but I need to have more accurate information before advising others.
Today I sprayed 2 ounces of Oust XP and 4 quarts of Simazine (I was spraying tree plantings) on two areas that I dormant seeded switchgrass.
I'll keep everyone posted on the results because at $6 an ounce Oust could be very effective and economical for landowners to use on some NWSG...