Hi I am new to this site. I have a few questions? I am clear cutting an acer or two,I will cut the stumps off tight to the ground and burn all leafs and brush. I have a small tractor with a digger for the back to ruff up the dirt. Do you think that I will be able to get switch grass started. I need the switch grass for bedding cover, my woods is to open. I like the idea that you can't see through it very good. Hard woods on high ground is hard to keep deer in. My land was logged back in the 80's and has thined out, and when it was first done it still was to open. I would like to seed this summer and frost seed over it the next spring will this work. I need bedding cover fast. Thank you
First things first, welcome to the site! Then I would read back through this whole thread, there is a ton of good info already written.
But from the sounds of your situation, I would probably go this way...
Go ahead and do your clear cut this winter/early spring and clear the debris(leaves, etc), but I would
not rough up the ground. I would let nature take it's own course and once that ground sees some sunlight this summer things will sprout like crazy on their own.
Be ready to mow the wild brush back two or three times this summer and follow each mowing with a spraying of 24DB and/or Roundup. You basically want to nuke the new growth real good and send it into the fall dead. Then, about the middle of February to early March
next year you can frost seed switch. You may even want to buy the switch this year and keep it well stored for a year, I am told that it germinates better that way. You may also want to think about using Atrazine next year too.
Others can and will add to this and/or correct it as necessary, but I think this basic outline will give you a really good, clear stand of switch by next summer. This is not the only way you could go, but it is one way.