New Member
When are you guys spraying your frost seeded switch? I frost seeded some switch the first part of march and then tilled some ground the last days in march that are gonna be put into clover. I want to let them weeds grow up in that tilled ground before I plant so I can spray and get rid of them but I also want to make sure and get my switch areas sprayed with roundup and atrazine before that starts gowing. If I head down around the week between the 16-23rd will that get both jobs done in 1 trip or should I spray switch this week and give the tilled ground another week or two to grow some weeds?
In earlier posts Dbltree says not to spray switch after the first week of May because that is when Switch generally starts to germinate... I would think any time from now until then should be fine. However, the longer you wait, the better your round up will work on the weeds.
In a perfect situation, I would spray the Atrazine asap and then spray one more time with just round up later this month. The reason I would spray twice is because the Atrazine is only preventing weed seeds from germinating and Round up is only killing the weeds or grasses that are already growing.
Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but I believe that is the optimal way to go about it.<O
Obviously spraying in the fall to get the initial sod kill is very important too and saves a lot of headaches come summer!
If spraying twice is not an option, you probably should be fine spraying once, any time from now until May 1st.