I just frost seeded 5 acres of CIR Switch over the weekend. Went real good. I am planning the next step which is the spraying. I re-read thru the how to at the beginning of the post, but wanted to make sure I spray when I am supposed to and what I am supposed to.
Do spray the Atrazene first? then a couple weeks after that spray the roundup. Or is is vice versa. What can I watch for to get the timing right?
thanks again for all the help!!!
I waited until about mid april last time but the key is getting it sprayed after cool seasons start to green up and before warm seasons germinate. It seems like before it took a good stretch of 80 degree days to get switch to germinate so you have time in spring. One year that didnt occur until June but a couple years ago when it got real warm early I had switch growing begining of April. Just watch weather this spring. I mixed my atrazine and roundup together and sprayed all at once and it seem to work fine. Paul might have some more info on that.