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Does atrazine have a shelf life? My neighbor has an unopened 2.5 gallon jug he said he could give me but he said it's been there a while...
I'm not aware of one but mix it well the bottom will be some serious sludge
Does atrazine have a shelf life? My neighbor has an unopened 2.5 gallon jug he said he could give me but he said it's been there a while...
Any chance my CIR switch germinated Saturday when it was 85 degrees. I burnt down the field last fall and got a pretty solid kill on the Canary grass. I frost seeded the switch in February. The plan was to hit again with Glyphosate and Atrazine by the end of the month but I don't want to chance killing it. I'm North of Albia and 4 inch soil temps reached mid 50's for a very short while. My gut feeling is that I'm good but thought I'd ask the experts. You all have been a huge help/resource for information in the long term plan I have for our farm.
P.S. I would change my display name if I knew how I made this account a few years ago and haven't found how to change it yet. I'M NOT THE SKIP. Well not on here anyway.
This is my first post so please bear with me. I have a farm in central Wisconsin and wish to improve the whitetail cover in several ways including with NWSG. I have read several pages of this thread and have learned a lot. After initially planning to plant a NWSG blend of big blue, IG, CIR switch and v. wild rye I am considering going with straight switch. Unfortunately we do not have a significant upland game bird population (other than turkeys) so my goal is to produce the most enticing all-season whitetail cover as possible. I plan to plant about 10 acres in an old corn field and 8 acres in adjacent lowland leaving about 65 acres of ag on the property with many foodplots. I do have a few questions:
1) Does anyone have a concern about tracts this size being too thick for the deer to use. Bear in mind the only walking we will have to do through this is following a blood trailor shed hunting.
2) Wisconsin is really tight about atrazine, for good reason. Can I substitute simizine for atrazine in the early administration with glypho?
3) Has anyone frost seeded switch into a stand of Egyptian Wheat in the winter? If so, would it be better to burn, roll, mow or leave the EW stubble the next spring? I know soybeans are the perfect precursor but the SG is being planted to serve the same purpose as the EW...visual screen. It will be 10' wide. Thanks
I bushhogged 7 acres of pasture last summer. Sprayed in the fall with Gly 3 times and had Oust mixed in once. Hand spread 8lbs of CIR and 2lbs Kanlow in March. I'm planning on spraying 4qts atrazine this weekend. I was checking the plot yesterday, and while it's very well nuked, I'm discouraged by how much residue/trash is covering the soil. I have to poke my finger through 1-2" of residue just to scratch soil. Even though we had several late winter early spring rains, is there any chance at all that my seed is where it's supposed to be? Secondly, is it still wise to spray the atrazine when I have no bare soil?
Matthew 28:5-7
5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
Switchgrass germinates very slowly when soil temperature is below 60öF. If moist seed is maintained at 85öF for 3 days, many of the seedlings will germinate and grow to a height of approximately 1 inch with a 1-inch deep root.
I am planning on spraying my frost seeded Switch grass this weekend April 26th...will I be okay to add Gly with my Atrazine or did I miss the window? I'm located in SE Iowa.
<hr style="color:#333333; background-color:#333333" size="1"> For my sanity please don't tell me I got raked over coals on this seed