My Major problem is Foxtail, think my mowing will greatly help or kill it? Some spots it was like CARPET it was so thick (no too tall- I mowed in time). Evil stuff, any other suggestions for foxtail?
Originally Posted By: huntyak
We had about 5 acres frost seeded with big blue stem, Indian grass and SG in March. I see alot of "plants" but other than foxtail, can't tell if the switch growing?? Is it OK to leave the foxtail and others alone and the switch will eventually grow? We did spray heavy before the seeding.
Originally Posted By: huntyak
So its safe to run over the entire field and cut all grasses off at about 8-12"? That way I can get all the "foxtail/grasses."This won't hurt the new switch? Thanks.
my first year frost seeded field with IG, BBS, and CIR
Originally Posted By: huntyak
If I mow these foxtail and weeds, what can one expect for a first year stand of Switch. 1 ft, 3 ft etc? Hope its somethingI just am not even sure if I see the bases anywhere.
how often should I do that through the next couple years...maybe 1x/summer? Hopefully once this summer will work.
?If I kill good in fall, frost seed late winter AND finally- hit it with round-up and Atrazine in spring, would you recommend any changes to that plan