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Originally Posted By: huntyak
I had my fields planted this March (Frost seeding) and no growth yet. i talked to my friend and he said it would be June or July before growth would be seen. I have weeds though
I guess that with all the moisture this spring that he said my first year stand should be better than average. What height can I expect first year with this year having more rain? Planted 5 acres..... Hope it helps!
I have always been impressed by my very first switchgrass planting where we over sprayed some of the switch seeding when we sprayed the corn.
It was a cocktail of Bladex and Atrazine (Bladex is no longer avilable)but it had a profound affect on the switchgrass compared to the area to the right of it. The "green" area in the pic took 3 years and never did get as thick as the area where residual herbicides were used.
To get a one year stand of switchgrass without residual herbicides is unusual unless it is very productive soil or...your lucky

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