<CENTER>Call 800-865-2477
www.iowadnr.com/forestry/ Fax 515-233-1131
Mail Iowa DNR State Forestry, 2404 South Duff Avenue, Ames, IA 50010</CENTER>
2009-2010 Seedling Catalog,*.pdf
ONLINE ORDER FORM</CENTER><!--<hr> <center>Orders for this fall and next spring will begin on
August 1, 2009</center> <hr>
MINIMUM ORDER IS 500 PLANTS except to fill in plantings from the previous year or for Specialty Packets which can be ordered individually.
WHEN ORDERING BY MAIL - DO NOT SEND MONEY with your order. A bill will be sent later. Checks, VISA or MasterCard are accepted.
<TABLE border=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColor=#cccccc cellPadding=2 width=550><TBODY><TR bgColor=#ccffcc><TD colSpan=3>NATIVE IOWA HARDWOODS</TD></TR><TR><TD>Oaks, Hickory, Walnut, Pecan, Basswood</TD><TD>100 plants, 8" to 16"</TD><TD>$40</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>100 plants, 17" and larger</TD><TD>$55</TD></TR><TR><TD>
All other Hardwood species</TD><TD>100 plants, 8" to 16"</TD><TD>$37</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>100 plants, 17" and larger</TD><TD>$52</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ccffcc><TD colSpan=3>SMALL TREES & SHRUBS</TD></TR><TR><TD>Elderberry, Dogwoods, Nanking Cherry</TD><TD>100 plants, 8" to 16"</TD><TD>$37</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>100 plants, 17" and larger</TD><TD>$52</TD></TR><TR><TD>
All other small tree and shrub species</TD><TD>100 plants, 8" to 16"</TD><TD>$40</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>100 plants, 17" and larger</TD><TD>$55</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ccffcc><TD colSpan=3>EVERGREENS</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>100 plants, 8" to 16"</TD><TD>$25</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>100 plants, 17" and larger</TD><TD>$40</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ccffcc><TD colSpan=3>SPECIALTY PACKETS</TD></TR><TR><TD>Create-A-Wildlife Packet</TD><TD>200 plants, 8" to 24"</TD><TD>$110</TD></TR><TR><TD>Turkey Packet</TD><TD>200 plants, 8" to 24"</TD><TD>$110</TD></TR><TR><TD>Pheasant Packet</TD><TD>200 plants, 8" to 24"</TD><TD>$110</TD></TR><TR><TD>Quail Packet</TD><TD>200 plants, 8" to 24"</TD><TD>$110</TD></TR><TR><TD>Songbird Packet
(Price includes shipping)</TD><TD vAlign=top>20 plants, 8" to 24"</TD><TD vAlign=top>$20</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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TO PURCHASE you must agree:
- to plant and use the nursery stock requested upon the described property for establishing or improving existing forests, erosion control, game or water conservation with these restrictions;
- to NOT resell or give these plants away with roots attached to any person, firm, corporation or agency nor to plant any of them for new windbreak, shade or ornamental purposes;
- to protect all planting from fire and domestic livestock grazing;
- to forfeit for destruction any trees planted or used in violation of the above restrictions.
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Orders will be shipped to any address of your choice for
$5/100 plants 8-16" tall or $10/100 plants over 17" tall. You can pick the week you would like to have your order shipped. In the fall shipments will start the last week of October and in the spring shipments will start the last week of March. Selections will be made at the time you place the order, so early orders will receive first selection. Weeks in April will become full as we can only physically ship a limited quantity each week. Once your date is confirmed on your invoice, we will do everything possible to ship your order that week, although weather may occasionally make it impossible.
Orders must be paid in full before they will be shipped. Please leave a note for the shipper on where to leave them so they will not be in the sun.
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PICK UP AT THE NURSERY IN AMES - You may also pick the week you would like to pick up your order. Once again selections will be made at the time of the order, so early orders will receive first selection.
ORDERS must be paid in full before they can be picked up.
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PAYMENTS for spring orders under $100 and all fall orders will be due 2 weeks from the time of order. For spring orders over $100 and less than $1000, only a 20% down payment will be due in 2 weeks. For spring orders over $1000 only a 10% down payment will be due in 2 weeks. The balance will be due March 1. Payments will be nonrefunable for orders cancelled after March 1.
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Contact your District Forester for available programs.
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Claims for any cause must be made within 10 days after receipt of plants. We give no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the productiveness or life of the material, and we will not be responsible for results or economic losses incurred or claimed by the consumer. <HR>
THE STATE NURSERY is supported entirely by its sales of trees and shrubs. There are NO tax dollars used for its operation</CENTER>