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What's next for Republicans?

Why would Biden drop out?!?!?! I’m irritated with my leftists friends that have zero loyalty- most know better but a few - shame on u!!! … the Resume:
1) he is the most popular president in history!!!!! 81m+ votes!!!!!
2) his record is incredible. He went extreme leftist. Woke on steroids. He now has 3.5 years to show the results on: inflation, the border, crime, peace in the world, finally men can compete in women’s sports, Afghanistan, etc etc.
3) he has one bad debate & u lefties want to toss him?!?! Obama had a bad debate. Trump had a bad debate. How disloyal after doing all the amazing things he’s done for 3.5 years to dump him after one bad showing. U don’t dump the most popular president in history for that!!!!
4) up until the debate- we were told he’s in tip top shape and an amazing leader…. Everyday we heard this. Obviously that 1 night was just “an off night”. Big deal!!!
5) his family has devoted their lives to bettering our country. Giving up their $ & time for our country. (While slimy politicians give up the country for $). Selfless family of SERVICE to our country! Including Hunter doing his paintings & selling them as a patriotic duty! Dr Jill Biden also humbly serves our country & has the medical expertise to know that Joe is up to the task.

With how great he is, all he’s done, the best record & most votes of any prez is history- shame on anyone for even talking about replacement after one bad night!!!!!! I’ll make a prediction right here…. This time around… MORE VOTES…. With how well he’s done for the country- I can see a scenario where he gets 200 Trillion votes++ this time around.
The MSM turned on Brandon in unison, following the debate. Almost like it was choreographed or planned ahead of time. Hmmmm. Liberals are brainwashed and eat wherever MSM feeds them.
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