Skyrocketing land prices are not just because Winke/Drury/Lakosky are promoting Iowa ! I live in Minnesota, you should see what some guy paid for an 80 of all timber ($9750/acre)

There’s no YouTube guys promoting my area . He just wanted it that bad ? Maybe he had land that bordered it ? I don’t know, makes no sense?
It’s everywhere…You have to go to Western North Dakota, dry pasture in Wyoming, maybe Maine to get cheap land .
How can anyone criticize a hunter for buying up farms when they were affordable?
It’s the American Dream ! Iowa is high, but so is Nebraska? Heck parts of South Dakota have tripled in 5 years.
If you do buy 22 acres in Iowa you can still get 2 buck tags ? In Minnesota if I shoot a buck in October (which I have) I’m done for the season. I either hunt another state, or I get the lab and go after pheasants… maybe catch big walleyes in the fall .
I don’t think anyone will be in Dire Straits if they go from 3 to 2 buck tags !