i normally sight mine in during the summer and then a weekend before.... shed1 u will be hooked the first time u go out .... shed 93 will u take ur bow with u if u dont fill it??? i did last yr what a pain in the arse.... lol matt i know what u mean i had a couple of nice deer that...
well i filled my tag tonight.. not a big one but its my first one.. i got to my stand at 330 well i put some scent out 2o yards from me the i walked over to the stand tied my pack back and bow to the string then i climb up then i lifted them up put the bow on the holder the tied my...
went out this morning wind was 25 mph and rain.. saw a little spike at 15 yards and and stayed for 20 min then about 20 mins after he left a small doe came and licked my ladder and then stayed for 15 then left then nothing the rest of the day .....
Yes it does. I guess he just bought the ground so the platte didn't have him there it kinda of a trade hes never been pheasant hunting and his boys want to goal im taking both of them bird hunting
Well i got a weird phone call today the guy that ownes the privet by the public were i hunt and saw those deer called me and asked if i wanted to hunt there my dad was ripping his field on the other end of the section and dad was talking to him and he said that nobody asked him so he said if i...
since u grew up here u know ever public spot has like 400 ppl in it...and u should know what the waterman is like well it got worse lol its hard to find a good spot.. i think i have got a good spot just might have to move one stand to a differant spot
thanks guys like i said i have asked and they all say no or the all have family members that hunt..... hunt i live in paullina and hunt by sutherland i could use all the help i can get... thanks..... scoffin i work in excavation and i get laid off in the winter so about...
And im not looking for the 30pointer im more then happy taking a doe. I take a doe everylate muzzle season. I just want to see a deer walk by lol. Good luck to u to
Well i triied to ask the land owner to hunt and they told me no. I know ur not bashing anyone i have scout that area before and saw a bunch walk that same trail all day i even have cameras and got some great shots of deer there. So it not like i just picked a spot and said this looks like a good...
I been bow hunting for two years now on public land and i haven't even got to draw my bow back on a deer yet. Well im sitting in my stand and watch deer about 200 yard away and cant do anything about it they are one privet land i tried calling nothing. Then sunda morning i was walking to my...
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