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Originally Posted By: huntyak
I had my fields planted this March (Frost seeding) and no growth yet. i talked to my friend and he said it would be June or July before growth would be seen. I have weeds though :)

I guess that with all the moisture this spring that he said my first year stand should be better than average. What height can I expect first year with this year having more rain? Planted 5 acres..... Hope it helps!

I have always been impressed by my very first switchgrass planting where we over sprayed some of the switch seeding when we sprayed the corn.

It was a cocktail of Bladex and Atrazine (Bladex is no longer avilable)but it had a profound affect on the switchgrass compared to the area to the right of it. The "green" area in the pic took 3 years and never did get as thick as the area where residual herbicides were used.

To get a one year stand of switchgrass without residual herbicides is unusual unless it is very productive soil or...your lucky

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dbltree, when you saw my land a few weeks ago AND seeding it right after (did spray RU & 2,4-d to kill stuff before planting)- would my ground fall into that category at all of good 1st year growth, the CSR is 87 on that ground per NRCS office and it's obviously in a bottom area. OR do you think it will be NEXT SPRING when most of the seed germinates??? I am still planning on keeping up with mowing even if some seeds don't germinate unless you advise not to. THANKS!
I talked to Dan Allen (Allendan seed)of Madison county last week and he was seeing his switch grass emerging as well. So late sprayers take care if using round up now. He mentioned letting it develop 4 leaves before using 2,4-D.
Right again dbltree. I went back and checked and what was growing wasn't CIR. Looks like the crap I've been fighting in my food plot. I will RUP tomorrow as I have lots of ivy growing also.
would my ground fall into that category at all of good 1st year growth, the CSR is 87 on that ground per NRCS office and it's obviously in a bottom area. OR do you think it will be NEXT SPRING when most of the seed germinates???

The type of ground will influence growth (just like corn) but not germination, so if the switchgrass seed germinates this spring, and weeds don't compete with it (remember...weeds love 87 CSR ground to... ;) ) then it's possible to have fantastic growth the first year.

The problem in your case Skip is going to be germination...CIR seed is notorious for poor germination without being exposed to wet/chill, but sometimes a batch surprises everyone or perhaps just the right amount of cool wet weather might do the trick and the stuff just explodes.

I've never had that kind of luck...

Secondly...if it does come up and you have a weed problem, you have to mow...depending on the timing and height of the mowing, it could keep it from being the kind of stand you are hoping for this fall.

It's one of those "wait and see" deals where we hope for the best but expect the worst.

Eventually though, on that great low ground you should have a fantastic stand of switchgrass!!

As CI notes...I wouldn't spray anything on your switchgrass from now on until it reaches a stage that 2-4D can be used (Atrazine being the only exception)

Now, as John Osenbaugh once told me...you start wearing wholes in the knees of your jeans crawling around looking for you baby switchgrass seedlings...
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If you had to guess, and I know spring was late this year. But on average, at what date has switch developed 4 or 5 leaves? July 1st? 15th?

Originally Posted By: PYBucks
If you had to guess, and I know spring was late this year. But on average, at what date has switch developed 4 or 5 leaves? July 1st? 15th?


Mature switchgrass might easily reach that by mid June but newly germinated seedling plants I'm guessing mid July to be safe.

All bets are off this year though...even corn is growing slowly with the wet cool weather this spring.

I'll try and take some pics to follow growth and perhaps others will share pics and info from their own stands and plantings.
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I'm kind of waiting with my newly planted switch also. I want to keep the weeds under control with 2-4D but they are realy starting to grow and I don't see much sign of switch in there. I might have to mow, I don't want to spray too early and dad won't let me use atrazine. Would the cool weather we are having slow down the growth this year?
Originally Posted By: ajadams
I'm kind of waiting with my newly planted switch also. I want to keep the weeds under control with 2-4D but they are realy starting to grow and I don't see much sign of switch in there. I might have to mow, I don't want to spray too early and dad won't let me use atrazine. Would the cool weather we are having slow down the growth this year?

The cool weather is most certainly slowing growth/germination of switchgras since it is a warm season grass. It's waiting for those hot muggy days and nights to really flourish.

Broadleaf weeds can be set back easily with mowing so I would go with that as needed and use 2-4D later in the summer if weeds are still a problem.

It is very difficult to tell emerging swithgrass especially in a "sea of weeds" and spraying it when it is small with 2-4D could cause injury to the new seedlings.

I normally don't use 2-4D until late July or early August...
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Re: Switchgrass - June 1st

I took some pics of my mature switchgrass to give an idea of leaf growth on June first but keep in mind this cannot be compared in anyway to newly planted seed which most likely hasn't even germinated let alone developed multiple leaves.

Most of it has 3 leaves...


Growth is perhaps 8-12" at the bottom of the "clump"


Looking at a field of it you might hardly notice any growth but the base of the plant reveals new growth.


As with any plant, type of ground and weather conditions may reflect all types of variations in growth and burning may also spur quicker growth.

This is on higher ground on somewhat poor soil...

Mature,established Cave In Rock Switchgrass on June 1st


We have some upper 80's to near 90's forecast so I expect switchgrass seed to start germinating and mature plants to explode with new growth. :)
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Re: Switchgrass - June 1st

Yes, I am a crazed nut when it comes to preparing and planning WAY in advance BUT...
Question, I planted about 20 acres to straight CIR this spring (had to do it for funding reasons) and say 7-8 acres to straight BB Stem and Indian. I know the BB Stem and Indian should germinate THIS SPRING. I'll mow all 28 acres no matter what's there THIS SUMMMER.
Now, my bottom line question is this. If most of the CIR doesn't germinate until NEXT SPRING, should I be mowing NEXT SUMMER just like a new planting. See what I mean?

Pheasants Forever agreed many seeds won't germinate til next spring BUT mowing good this year will be more crucial and I won't have to mow as much or at all next summer. Thoughts? THANKS!!!!
Re: Switchgrass - June 1st

If most of the CIR doesn't germinate until NEXT SPRING, should I be mowing NEXT SUMMER just like a new planting

I would guess that you will need to clip weeds again next summer but that is only a guess at this point. Should have a real good idea next year about this time if mowing will be needed.

The CIR may take off like gangbusters and be good to go....or not...but plan to clip if needed.

Some CIR may germinate this year so remember to clip at 12" if possible this summer so you don't injure any new seedlings that do come up.
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Re: Switchgrass - June 1st

Also, sorry, I should have asked this in earlier post. Would at any point a possibility OR good plan be to consider some 2-4,d and/or round-up treatment before NWSG's green up next spring?THANKS!!!!
Re: Switchgrass - June 1st

consider some 2-4,d and/or round-up treatment before NWSG's green up next spring

i would try roundup early or 2-4D later in the summer but always based on weed growth at the time.

If you have forbs mixed in with the NWSG mix then spraying early or late isn't a good idea. Straight CIR...not a problem with the right timing.
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Re: Switchgrass - June 1st

allright dbltree, so its late june, I have two and half acres I want to plant CIR switch next spring strictly hoping for bedding, I have plenty of food. BOTTOM LINE, what is the ultimate approach to the best start of switch you could have. The ground is now in random sw mich weeds about 3 ft tall and thick. From what I have gathered I should mow it, wait and spray, spray again, and possibly a third time, frost seed in march, and possibly atrazine in early next summer??? Is this correct?? I have time on my side and want to do it hands down the best way possible! Thanks for any tips, your posts are very informative!!!!
Re: Switchgrass - June 1st

I should mow it, wait and spray, spray again, and possibly a third time, frost seed in march, and possibly atrazine in early next summer???

That's the gist it of it!

Mow late summer and spray the re-growth in September and if need be again in October.

Frost seed late winter

Re-spray any green growth in late April and apply atrazine at that time also.

Your on the right track by doing your homework now and planning ahead!
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Re: Switchgrass - July 1st

I wanted to share some pics of an older stand of switchgrass that they burned in March and then sprayed the regrowth (weeds) before the switchgrass greened up.

This is the first part of July...


I don't know what herbicides were used but I assume Roundup because it nuked the entire field at first which left everything dead and released the switchgrass when it warmed up and started growing.


Normally I would encourage burning in very late spring to set back cool seasons and allow the switch to dominate when it begins to grow but early burning combined with a well timed herbicide application can work as well.

You can see the switch clumps growing well in this pic...


I don't know if any residual herbicide was used in this case but this would be a perfect scenario to use a combo of roundup and atrazine to release and older stand or even a newer stand plagued with weed competition.


These are just some early July pics of my established CIR switchgrass.




Plateau has worked for me in the past to release established switchgrass also. Journey is a combo of Roundup and Plateau that is easier to get and if applied before the switch greens up would kill cool season growth and give season long residual control.

Timly burning is still the most economical and effective way to manage your prairie grass stand once established. :)
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Re: Switchgrass - July 1st

Mowed my SPARSE old CIR that I drilled/interseeded in this spring. I felt guilty THOUSANDS of times over as I mowed over clumps of huge switchgrass. It was sparse BUT going over 30 acres, I sure hit some. I mowed at 8-10". Think I will kill any of that old switchgrass?

Most of my competition with the preferred CIR (and some BB & Indian) was 16-24" tall Foxtail AND some broadleafs. I am hoping I killed most broadleafs (lots were golden rod) and not sure if I'll kill the foxtail as I've heard it's a grass that can die with mowing????

Lastly, HOPING this is the only mowing I'll need this summer and hoping I could hit with some chemicals come next spring/summer. For CIR possible round-up & 2-4,d early the some Atrazine at some point. Hope that will do-er!?!?!? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Really want to hit the CIR with chemical NEXT spring/summer cause much won't germinate til next year.

*The crazy LOON that I am- I actually started mowing some new areas I am going to frost seed CIR, I am just going to FRY it with Round-up (I have tons of it and it's not that big of area- say 4-5 acres total) several times and hit for last time in September-ish. I think I need to go to project lover REHAB.
Re: Switchgrass - July 1st

Think I will kill any of that old switchgrass

No...it will be fine...

You may still need rehab though... :D

If the broadleaves come back, hit them with 2-4D rather then mow again (and they will be back, mostly goldenrod...
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