Switchgrass...where the bucks live!
A landowner drove me into a farm to show me a field he needed planted and I couldn't help but notice the beautiful stand of switchgrass as we drove in! He said however that he wondered if it was to thick for deer to use and that it often towered over his head but I assured him that there were few places more attractive to mature bucks!
When I came back with the drill I took some pics on my way in...
On flat fertile soil the switch was amazing
in part because the landowner burns every year
on the hillsides with less fertile soil it was of course not so tall
but switch hillsides are often the key to holding mature deer because they have the height advantage and quickly escape with a bound or two thru the switch and over the ridge
Bill Winke commented once that after a few years switchgrass "goes away" and I agree IF...you don't burn
If not burned at least every 2-3 years switchgrass can go from this
to this...a goldenrod infested wasteland
Blackberries also quickly take over as the prairie begins to revert to woodland
As I neared the bottom of the hill...sure enough...a beautiful buck bounded up from the switchgrass and dashed into the surrounding timber...a sight I have seen many times before and unfortunately unable to capture on camera. I almost never see other deer in switchgrass, traveling yes but not bedded but mature bucks love fairly large areas of switch as it allows them to be alone...completely and totally.
If you want the kind of switchgrass that holds big deer, burn often and plant large areas of at least 5 acres or more...it's worth the time an effort it establish and maintain, unless of course you don't like big whitetails on your property....