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What's next for Republicans?

Have 2 ideas I’ve spent some tractor time thinking about…. For Trump campaign…
1) folks who want to do stuff that are from deep red states like iowa (or OH, FL, TX, etc)…. Needs to be a “recruiting system” put in place where they can go help in surrounding swing states. For example…. WI, MN, MI, AZ, etc or the states ballot harvesting is legal …. Get an organization in place to utilize the help of volunteers to collect ballots. Collenct & drop ballots in drop boxes. Sign up voters. Collect ballots- WHATEVER…. The LEGAL stuff in those states. Play the Dems game & use the manpower of red states that want to help that really aren’t needed …. in ADDITION to those living in swing states …. Add manpower to them to get tens to hundreds of thousands more votes in for these swing states. I believe there’s literally thousands to tens of thousands of people that would help with this. R’s need to match the D game & they need to build an army like the D’s have & bigger- fast. Set up the organization & get the word out NOW!

2) the zuckerbucks went to dem CITIES with massive left leaning voters. $375m or whatever it was. We need equivilent - Elon musk or a group of billionaires (& yes, $375m is very doable!) to put up equal or more funds for RURAL areas!!!!! & lemme put some actual logic behind it…. Being in rural America - could be 10-30 miles to a voting station. Big cities it’s probably every few blocks. Rural America is solid RED & logistically has a far tougher chance to vote. Why not put the same $ into getting rural votes like Zuckerscum did for lib cities? More logic behind rural voting help & that would be an equivalent of how they targeted blue cities with those dollars. Rural WI, MI, MN, PA, GA, AZ, NV, NH, etc - would swing all those states massively red if voting in rural areas increased. Thus- a landslide election.
This is a dude on a hunting site spouting off but these are some seriously real ideas that in some fashion could change the election if the effort was put in now and organized now. With horsepower of: Trump, rnc, big donors- this could happen & should happen IMO
I wish there was a way to get money out of the equation, as now it appears that our government is for sale....

Is this the best government money can buy? o_O
Totally agree. R’s need to overwhelmingly win so we can get to paper only, day of ballots. Absentee if u can’t vote. What both sides used to agree on…. The way fraud is minimized. Mail in & ballot harvesting - both sides have historically known that’s where fraud happens & elections stolen. Well…. Until it’s changed - have to win in landslide using the shady rules they implemented. & yep- the $ used to buy elections & politicians is disgusting.
Sometimes Trump is an idiot. Like talking about Harris' race/heritage. NOTHING good can come from it regardless of context. If he loses (which I think is a coinflip), it'll be because of dumb stuff.

Stay on point!

Polls showing a dead heat now.
No Doubt!! The other day he spent 5 minutes talking about the crowd size.....i am thinking shut up and talk policy.
^^^^. I hear you. Trump isn’t perfect but this is not a big deal IMO.
I know R’s are gonna be nervous. The media is getting in folks heads. They are the Democrat party. They are doing what we all know they would do… trying to put lipstick on a pig. For the next 60 days they are going to try to make folks excited…. The hype will be blown up. The polls will tighten.
Reality of what happened in last 3.5 years cannot be erased. Too many folks know what the media is up to (what we are seeing them do for Harris). The things she’s said for years are right there & the right are gonna be relentlessly bombarding people with her stances, video of her in her own words, showing the record. Too many people are devastated by the last 3.5 years. People just saw the D’s kick out the MOST POPULAR president in history!!!! They see their ruthless power grabs & rigging everything.
We might be watching an economic mess starting RIGHT NOW btw…. There’s some bad stuff hitting right now!!!!

Too many Independents are pissed off about last 3.5 years. Both sides are exhausted & freaked out about WW3, massive inflation wiping them out, invasion at border, cost of everything…. NO ONE can hide the destruction of the last 3.5 years.
Relax. This is all predictable. There’s a whole lotta of fundamentals entirely different than 2020…. The last 3.5 years of disaster & a lot of states fixing the shady voting process of ‘20. Is it still gonna be a huge fight? YEP. Could R’s still lose? YEP. Do we have infinitely more positive on our side in ‘24 vs ‘20 IMO? YEP. Fight fight fight but don’t worry. I do think God has this under control & in terms I can’t comprehend - 4 year political terms are still tiny things in terms of Eternity. As massive as this is now …. Still minor. But…. We do need to get this right & I truly believe we will.
  • Deleted by Hardwood11
I can confirm 99% of Minnesota hates him outside of Minneapolis. Covid? Covid was an absolute dumpster fire for Minnesota. Between the lockdowns and mask mandates I can tell you it was a terrible time for children and teens in Minnesota. Turned the people against one another. The guy should have been sued to brim and arrested. He also nearly put all restaurants out of business single handedly. I'm rambling now so I'll shut up...


Yeah let's just let this go on for 3 days THEN call in the national guard (after the damage is already done). Genius.
  • Deleted by westwind
The UAW president endorsed Harris. Is he on crack. I’d love to know how the membership feels. Gotta love the unions. Stupidity through and through.
His continued calls for socialist reforms and appointing of known Marxists to the UAW should at the very least rile the rank and file but we hear nothing but crickets.

I worked and actively participated for the d party as a young person. Labor unions buy many of the $5000 a plate tickets or "arrange" as they call it. I attended a few of those black tie affairs on the UAW dime. Corruption is everywhere...
@Hardwood11 I was looking forward to the comments from Minnesotans and people from media markets bordering Minneapolis for that very reason

However when you post images like that, I cannot take your comments seriously.

We republicans do ourselves enormous disservice when we use nonsense like that to try to make a point. Plays into the other sides narrative about people like you and me.

Tell me why he is an ineffective gov. Quit with that other bs. It makes us look batshit crazy.
I’m taking the post down, but that’s how I feel. He’s a terrible Governor. Raised taxes, no limits on abortion, let Minneapolis burn-1200 buildings were damaged… He’s helped ruin what was a great state politically.

He put several restaurants out of business, with his Socialist Covid restrictions. Thats the picture that circulated at the time. He ruined peoples lives .

His statement about “nothing but rocks and cows” referring to outstate Minnesota …he upset much of Minnesota. He’s popular with Minneapolis & St. Paul lefties, and teachers. Not popular at all in the non metro counties.
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