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What's next for Republicans?

All Sounds great and about 90% opposite of what she has practiced her whole career! I judge those based on actions and her actions towards Americans has been treating then 2nd-3rd class! (I am all for keeping criminals locked up but to extend sentences so you can get a cheap labor forces, that is 100% 3rd world behavior)

She had her chances at the border, she was actually tasked with making it better. 10-12 M illegals later here we are. I am not sure if you know anyone in close proximity to the border but it is scary. As long as there is unemployment in the USA for willing to work Americans and hungry American mouths to feed, the border doors remain closed. Hard to work toward a balanced budget when you are pissing 100s of Billions away on something you could end tomorrow!

Blanketing illegal border crossers as criminals is 100% accurate, the day they crossed the border illegally they are criminals. Try this the other way around in any other country in the world and have fun with your adventure
You realize I was responding to @RinggoCy right?

I was “making an argument to convince undecided voters”.

I didn’t say I believed any of it. I was killing time while I sat in a waiting room trying not to think about the root canal I was about to get. (Not making that up.)

Forgot this part- I do know people who work at the border. I’m involved in similar work and know plenty about illegals and cartels. What I wrote was what I want to happen. If she promised that stuff she would win easily. I’m aware that she won’t.
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You realize I was responding to @RinggoCy right?

I was “making an argument to convince undecided voters”.

I didn’t say I believed any of it. I was killing time while I sat in a waiting room trying not to think about the root canal I was about to get. (Not making that up.)

Yeah I just hope the undecided voters do research and don’t believe 1 BS speech
Neither are going to do what they say they will do.

They are both so full of it their eyes are brown.

I am very disappointed in our current situation.

We can do better but we currently don’t deserve it so this is what we get. I want to vote for someone I can believe in. I want our government to work. I cannot stand the dysfunction of it all.
He was invited by the families of the 13 killed in Afghanistan during Bidens horrid pullout. Btw according to the families Biden/Harris have never reached out. That’s disrespectful. I also saw an interview with an employee of Arlington who said the ceremony with Trump was one of the most respectful experienced while working there.
So what do people think about Trump's latest PR stunt at Arlington Cemetary? One of the most disgraceful things yet about our veterans! Someone needs to remind him there are 0ver 18 million vets and yet he continues to put them down and ignore Arlington's rules so he can make a TikTok video after he calls dead soldiers' losers and suckers!
What do you think about the current administration (responsible for that botched withdrawal and the deaths of those 13 services members) being nowhere to be found at their memorial service? And in addition, not wanting any attention drawn to themselves involving it. You'd think that would be the lead story, no? You'd think that would be what's being labeled as disgraceful. At least it would be if the media wasn't straight up propaganda. But unfortunately it is propaganda and the lead story is the "disgraceful" acts toward our veterans by Trump? Somehow? Reading what you wrote, I would have thought Trump was squatting next to the grave of a soldier, throwing up gang with is tongue out, then pissing on the headstone while the grieving widow cried in the background. But nope, it was pictures. Pictures with the families that wanted him there. Speaking with the families. Spending time with the families. While Joe and Kamala are nowhere to be found. But the lead story is pictures.

And next thing, how does he continue to put 18 million veterans down? It's interesting you have latched on the the POW suckers and losers bit. Do you the tape on that? That's a rhetorical question because you don't - it's unsubstantiated, hearsay BS. Are the "sources close to the situation" the same several dozen intelligence officers that said the Russian Collusion hoax was real and the media running wild with that for 4 years only for to all end up being bullshit? Are these gossip articles written by the same media outlets that still to this day squawk about the "very fine people on both sides" LIE?

Do yourself a favor, find some half decent podcasts and independent journalists to start following and turn off Lester Holt and Chuck Todd.
I don't think ttown has been online since I asked him to sell me on Kamala and give me some policy that would be good for the country I love, but I will give him some time on that. Who knows, maybe I'm a Kamala support and I just don't know it yet. I kinda wonder what he's doing on IW to be honest because 95% of his posts are political in nature and whining about republicans but whatever. Maybe he'll convince me that Kamala is the way to go.

But some general thoughts:
-Taxes on unrealized gains
-Price controls
-The state of our border the last 4 years

Those first two are proposed policies by this wacko lady that are actually communism. Like, you get your price controls now, and in 12 years she's still "president" i.e. Dictator, while you wait in the breadline. Let us remember, it's really easy to vote your way into communism but you certainly won't be voting your way out of it.

How those 3 things by themselves don't send every last person in this country running to the polls for Trump is beyond me. Fine, you don't like how he behaves, what he says, his personality. But you're not voting for your high school homecoming king. This is the president of the United States of America. POLICY. POLICY. POLICY. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

You have RFK, a life long democrat, and a member of arguably the most prominent D family in this country, leaving his party and then endorsing the republican because he believes the alternative would be disastrous for the United States. Holy red flags and alarm bells everywhere, folks. If a Kennedy is saying to don't vote for the democrat, you should probably not vote for the democrat.

We've heard for 4 years "THREAT TO DEMOCRACY, THREAT TO DEMOCRACY" (sorry, we're a constitutional republic but keep screeching I guess) and like usual, everything they accuse the other side of his pure projection. They fought to keep RFK off the ballot because it might hurt there chances at what they want, but now they're doing everything they can to keep him on the ballot! IT'S CRAZY!!!! They don't hold a primary because (in my opinion) they knew Joe was going down hill and they limped him along long until they could put their commie pick in without a single vote being cast. How democratic!

ALL THE SIGNS RIGHT THERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE! But alas, this election will be razor thin thanks to the brain-mushing campaign that's been going on in this country for decades. This nut won't even list her policies on her campaign website. Yet millions will vote for her anyway! I just don't get it. It's in plain sight. Joe McCarthy was right.
I would have thought Trump was squatting next to the grave of a soldier, throwing up gang with is tongue out, then pissing on the headstone while the grieving widow cried in the background.
Maybe you should fact check instead of just reading or watching what appeals to you. The link below explains how Trump set Biden up for the withdrawal. Both parties flip-flop on hot issues just to get a vote, right now both parties suck!

I'd love to go back to the Reagan years! Even though when we bought or first piece of land and built our first home the interest rates were 14 1/2 %! But life was good, now it's chaos and the blame game is dragging us down. Hopefully the next election we'll have much better Republican candidate we can trust and who isn't for himself.
He was invited by the families of the 13 killed in Afghanistan during Bidens horrid pullout
Yes, by one couple. But the campaign wasn't allowed to take pictures or video tape it for his PR stunt. The ignored all the rules of a sacred place and even pushed a women army personnel when she tried to enforce the rules! They were denied their request a couple times to pull their stunt until speaker Johnson worked something out, but the campaign did what they wanted.

https://www.factcheck.org/2021/08/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan/Everyone is entitled to believe what they want, fact checked or not.
Fact check by who. Your liberal friends. Lol. Fact Check is non partisan. lol. Stop. Vote for the party destroying the nation and I’ll vote for Trump.

Answer this question honestly. Was your community, state, nation, and finances better under Trump or now??? Answer that and if you choose now please explain how. You have the floor….
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Time for a thread lock!
It's quite obvious who we are voting for by now.
I disagree! This is a good and open discussion. It has not gone downhill and been reduced to insults and name calling. Opposing views should be welcome and I thank Skip for allowing it. If it goes into the muddy weeds I'm sure he will reel it in.

Many have discussed the overspending and inflation. To me, this is a core issue both sides SHOULD agree on. In my opinion, EVERY president spends too much. I'll forgive Trump a little bit. When Covid hit, we knew very little about the virus and for no other reason than fear, we were asked to sit home and not work. Because the government asked us to not work, they had to provide a little relief. However, it was Trump that recognized covid as something that we had little to no control over and he had to fight to get people back to work and off the gov dime. He still spent too much.

Every one of us knows that if you spend 175% of your income you're probably nuts. If you do it year after year, you are headed for a painful reality check. The US gov is OVER spending at a rate of 1 trillion dollars EVERY 100 DAYS! The fed will always find a way to pay the bills. The money will be borrowed or just "created". Every dollar that is created chips away at the purchasing power of every dollar you currently have. This is inflation.

K Harris is not stupid, or is she? I don't know, but look at what she will spend on. I could go on and on about specific spending, but I won't. Each one of us must decide if we are OK having our dollar trashed to pay for her stupid projects. ($60 trillion in green projects) The one that maybe pisses me off most is paying for illegals to come here, be processed here, to be sheltered, fed here, and not work here. We have veterans getting far less than people breaking our laws to game our system. STUPID! My point is that we will spend on what we need to. It's the extras that will send eggs to $22/dozen.

I'll go one step further. The monetary system is in HUGE trouble. It is completely unsustainable. A massive spending spree could tip it over the edge, causing a collapse of the dollar. Whether you think it's intentional or not, this would force the system (world system?) into a new currency, likely a digital currency (one world currency?). Ask yourself if there is any better way to control a population than with a digital currency. You WILL behave how you are told or you won't eat, get medical care, have heat or even electricity. The gov will have total control. This has already taken place in parts of China. (social credit system) Do you trust your government?
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@Wapsi Tree Rat thats a really good post. I agree the post shouldn’t be closed but I didn’t exactly know why. It has stayed pretty civil and I really like that. Not enough of that these days.

Also- I really like to hear different ideas. Hanging around with people you agree with 100% of the time is BORING.
So what do people think about Trump's latest PR stunt at Arlington Cemetary? One of the most disgraceful things yet about our veterans! Someone needs to remind him there are 0ver 18 million vets and yet he continues to put them down and ignore Arlington's rules so he can make a TikTok video after he calls dead soldiers' losers and suckers!
Whether you like Trump or hate the man you need to realize the thing he exposed during his presidency is that the media is the enemy of the people. Don't fall for any of that BS. And that GOES FOR BOTH PARTIES.
Maybe you should fact check instead of just reading or watching what appeals to you. The link below explains how Trump set Biden up for the withdrawal.

Yes, by one couple. But the campaign wasn't allowed to take pictures or video tape it for his PR stunt.
I feel quite confident that I'm not lapping up what appeals to me.


Feel free to watch all of these.
So what do people think about Trump's latest PR stunt at Arlington Cemetary? One of the most disgraceful things yet about our veterans! Someone needs to remind him there are 0ver 18 million vets and yet he continues to put them down and ignore Arlington's rules so he can make a TikTok video after he calls dead soldiers' losers and suckers!
I’m glad the gold star families support Trump ! They can’t stand Biden or Harris as they were responsible for the deaths of their children.

He never said that either, made up liberal talking point. Are you a gun grabber as well ? I’m surprised you are on a hunting site and support gun confiscation like Harris.
I’m glad the gold star families support Trump ! They can’t stand Biden or Harris as they were responsible for the deaths of their children.

He never said that either, made up liberal talking point. Are you a gun grabber as well ? I’m surprised you are on a hunting site and support gun confiscation like Harris.
To be fair, I don't think 203ntyp ever said he was a Harris supporter, he is just not a fan of Trump. He will speak for himself but I don't believe he will be casting a Harris vote.

I get it. My dad is an ultra conservative but can't stand Trump. Many conservatives think Trump is just a huge a$$hole. I say great. You will not roll Putin with kindness.
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Sums it up very well. People believe the BS media or a random post from a the Harris team about scary Orange man instead of seeing what the actual truth is. Pretty disgusting in this case and another reason that Harris is unfit to serve.
To be fair, I don't think 203ntyp ever said he was a Harris supporter, he is just not a fan of Trump. He will speak for himself but I don't believe he will be casting a Harris vote.

I get it. My dad is an ultra conservative but can't stand Trump. Many conservatives think Trump is just a huge a$$hole. I say great. You will not roll Putin with kindness.
True! I've been a republican all my voting life (moderate one) and will never vote democrat!!! I do NOT trust Trump; he's not fit to be the leader of the free world. I Like the majority of his policies but after his 3rd year in office he went nuts and started showing his true colors. Just watching some of his rallies and some of the things he mutters convinced me not to vote for him.

I feel quite confident that I'm not lapping up what appeals to me
You're getting info from X, what do you expect from Musk!

Fact checks on Afghanistan, all Trump did was stir things up to make it harder for Biden.

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