Well crap. I don't know how many times I have written a lengthy response to this only to delete it. All you can do is fight the fight whether you are for it or against it.
Fishbonker said:What hunting has become is anything for a buck (money or animal). It is about product placement, it is about hype, it is about beating your chest. Clearly not all hunters are like that, but that is the direction, in my opinion, that hunting is moving.
Well crap. I don't know how many times I have written a lengthy response to this only to delete it. All you can do is fight the fight whether you are for it or against it.
Nanny, so you would like your wife and kids to hunt the archery season, but using a compound is out of the question for them? Can I ask why?
Most of you guys remarks and reasons to keep crossbows out, well, you make me sick. Im ashamed of the selfish reasoning and the jelousy that goes on here. Before you respond with a deer management theory or a public lands too crowded response, dont bother, everyone can see through you.
Just curious. You guys that support changing the status quo and allowing crossbows, are there any other rule changes you would like to see concerning seasons' dates, weapons, etc.?
Bowmaker, I dont know why you feel the need for acceptance from anyone other than your own consious. You should shoot what you want and not worry about winning anyone over. If you are in the woods enjoying nature and life in general, what the heck do you care if others think you are unworthy. MOST AGAINST THIS DONT WANT YOU IN THE WOODS SHOOTING THEIR BIG BUCK. ITS THEIRS AND THEY WOULD JUST AS SOON SEE HIM DIE OF OLD AGE IF THEY CANT HARVEST HIM THEMSELVES!!!!!MY .02 worth.
The Dachau reference was a bit out there and I apologize to any one I may have offended. Perhaps I made the oft fatal blunder of underestimating the audience. I was merely try to say don’t give in to what some may see as inevitable.
Perhaps Winston Churchill’s quote would have been more apt: “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in….”
The first time I remember seeing this quote it was on a small sign on the entrance to the tub room in a burn unit. Not that this is germane to the issue at hand, but it has stuck with me ever since. The courage of the human spirit remarkable.
So Crockett, what are you trying to say? Perhaps it is obvious to some but not me. Help a guy out and try to explain your position on nonarchery equipment in archery only season. What is obvious is your disdain for all things IBA which is OK. I get that, but I’m not following much of anything else.