Thanks. Maybe a dumb question but can you have a combination of weeds and Switch or will one take off and eventually choke the other out completely? A NRCS office told me that "mixture" will be best as quail and other game birds have trouble moving in pure switch but I have seen my highest number of roosters around switch fields!
I had mine frost seeded last year and it is up and coming but there are a host of weeds and other grasses mixed in. I didn't use Atrazine either but really couldn't for a number of reasons. I guess we shall see what year 2 brings.
The NRCS fellow is 1/2 right IMO...a mix of weeds and diverse grasses is certainly best for game birds because it provides both food and cover.
Switchgrass and weeds don't "coexist" however and one or the other, given time will eventually dominate. Switchgrass is clumpy by nature so birds can easily move through it or any that part is NOT true and I have flsuhed quail from mt CIR many times.
The best bet is to leave small areas of weeds and they can esily be maintained just by discing them once a year, ragweeds and such will sprout up and make great quail habitat right next to the awesome cover that switchgrass provides.
Here's the deal...we all love wildlife and we want diverse habitat for critters big and small BUT...if your piority is holding big mature whitetails then a pure, thick, dense stand of Cave IN Rock switchgrass is the ticket!
If quail is your preferred priority then Little Bluestem and Broomsedge are better NWSG options and strips of weeds, milo and soybeans will be very helpful. Another helpful hint for quail is hinge cutting small trees in and around the fields to give the overhead cover.
You can search this countries NRCS offices from coast to coast and you'll not likely hear a single man say "plant switchgrass for monster bucks"...they are programmed to encourage small game habitat largely due to Pheasants Forever's efforts.
There is no right or wrong...just what is right for you and your priorities...