Limb Chicken
Active Member
Re: Switchgrass - Thistle Control
You got it Paul... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
You got it Paul... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

What do you suggest if they don't get smothered. It is our 8th year and still have a big thistle problem. Any help would be appreciated. Am looking forward to trying Milestone. Is that the only option?
What do you suggest if they don't get smothered. It is our 8th year and still have a big thistle problem. Any help would be appreciated. Am looking forward to trying Milestone. Is that the only option?
It will smoke thistles. If they are real bad, run 7 oz to the acre instead of 5 oz.
Hate to hi-jack but what if my thistles are wide spread and I just want to spot spray. Cost per acre would drop dramatically compared to spraying the whole property. What type of "spot spray" would work the best without leaving dead spots on the CRP like Round-up does?
Paul, stinger works ok, not our choice for thistles. Tordon and 2 4 d will do better than stinger. I am really stuck on Milestone. I have seen this stuff work great many, many times.
For example, we sprayed a pasture this year that has never been sprayed. You want to talk about thistles, there were more of them than grass. Within 5 days, all the thistles were brown, and now you can't find one out there to save your life.
I don't know about your local coop, but we sell Milestone by the quart for backpack and atv sprayers. If anyone needs a quart, I can see if I can get them one, but they have to be in reasonable distance of me. Right now I am all over the southern and southwest part of the state.
I am obviously data sheet impaired, can you guys help as to how many oz per gallon I should use milestone to be used in a spot spray mode? I see 5-7 oz per acre, but I'm not sure what that translate to for my small spot sprayer...any help would be appreciated.
I am obviously data sheet impaired, can you guys help as to how many oz per gallon I should use milestone to be used in a spot spray mode? I see 5-7 oz per acre, but I'm not sure what that translate to for my small spot sprayer...any help would be appreciated.
dbltree, I have some places I want to put some switch but they are on hel. They are brome now. I'm going to mow and kill that late this summer then I was thinking about drilling in rye and switch in aug, sept. The rye will hold the soil and weeds down in the spring, but do you think it would drowned out the switch?
manually cutting(riding an ATV through them while yielding a machette is quite a good stress reliever)
I turned to Tordon 22K. That killed the thistles(I manually sprayed them with a 2 gallon pump sprayer) but it also looked like a bomb went off around my test sprays.